Chapter 9

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Chapter 9


"What just happened? Why isn't she responding?" I demanded an answer from the others.

"I don't know Cole. Maybe she got annoyed that you were treating her like she was five years old and couldn't walk across the street without holding your hand," Leo gave me shit.

"In Cole's defense, Mia isn't the best with directions," Ethan took my side but he isn't helping me. "By directions I mean north, south, east, or west. Not turn left or don't touch."

"You aren't helping me," muttering to him, I step out of the hide and look around.

"Give her a break, she isn't stupid. She can do this," Beckett has a lot more faith in Mia than I do. And that's why this whole situation feels very wrong.

"We've waited too long. We need to look for her," we can't just sit here anymore.

"I'm with Cole. We know Lindsey is crazy. Who knows what she'll do to her if she finds Mia," Ethan agrees.

Leo stayed at the hide just in case Mia came back this way while Ethan and I headed out to search for her. Beckett went back by the truck to search for her there. We searched for a half hour and headed back to hide empty handed. Once again, I got back on the phone and tried to get a hold of her.

"MIA! Mia!" Damn it, she won't respond to me.  She won't respond to any of us.

"You pissed her off good this time, didn't you?" Ethan teased, knowing it wasn't just me.

All of us were doing it. We were telling her what to do, and what not to do. More of what not to do than anything else. We shouldn't have let her go. She isn't a hiker. She doesn't spend a lot of time outdoors. All of us know that. We were just trying to help.

Dialing her cell number again, I try to reach her. It was the same thing as last time. Straight to voicemail. I'm not even able to leave her a message.

"You know her mailbox is probably full by now, right?" Leo points out the obvious and gets the finger from me.

"Gee thanks captain obvious!" My sarcasm hits its target.

"She's not going to talk to you. She's pissed off. Just leave her alone, Cole," Leo urged, knowing better than I do apparently.

"Mia! Please just say something?" I tried again.


Beckett took this opportunity to call Aubrey and let her know what happened.  Hearing only his side of the conversation I was pretty sure that she didn't like the way things happened anymore than we did. And to Beckett's credit she gave Mia as much credit for being able to handle this situation as he did. So it's just me who thinks she's out of her depth here.

What does that say about me?

We waited for an hour before we started getting worried. It was one thing to go silent and be pissed off at us. It's another when her safety is on the line.

"Aubrey said to give her a chance to do it on her own. She's a smart cookie. We need to give her credit to use her head," Beckett isn't wrong. We weren't giving her credit for what she could do.

Treating her like she knows nothing wasn't fair. I'm an idiot for thinking that she couldn't handle this. All she has to do is walk on a path. Of course Mia can do that. She runs her own business. She is Georgia's assistant. She has to have a brain in that beautiful pixie head of hers or Georgia never would have hired her.

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