Chapter 14

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Chapter 14


Georgia took care of the deputy just as Mia had dealt with Lindsey. Instead of calling the Sheriff, we called in the state police trusting them much more than the local police. Charlie hasn't been responding to our calls as it is making us wonder if Lindsey has done something to him as well.

We were lucky this time. Our group came out of this unscathed, but it could have been much worse. Fortunately, Georgia has perfect aim, she could have been in trouble if she didn't know how to use a gun. Ma doesn't surprise me though, the woman is a wonder.

Sitting in the house, the morning sun was just beginning to rise over the horizon. The storm had finally passed and the damage of what was left behind was now visible. The backyard was a mess of mud and puddles that haven't soaked into the ground yet. It would take a while for that yet.

Leo was sure the same held true for the preserves. He called Ethan first thing and he said that the water was still flowing along what used to be the trail below them. They couldn't get out yet. We still had time before we could head in to get them.

Aubrey made coffee while Ma made breakfast. There wasn't much else we could do besides wait. We couldn't leave until the state cops arrived, and until then, we had some talking to do. Might as well do it with some food in our stomachs and caffeine in our veins. We have to be on our toes.

We warmed up in the house, got our stories straight and waited. Ma was the calmest I've ever seen her. She cleaned the kitchen before she started cooking, wiped down the weapon she used to kill the deputy and scythe Mia used to kill Lindsey. Aubrey used the garden hose to spray out the green house and all the blood and evidence of what happened in there.

Those two made sure there wasn't anything left to tie us to what happened. Thanks to the storm, the water from the cleanup washed away and the mud around the green house was no different than from the mud everywhere else at the moment.

Leo and I did our part by putting Lindsey's body outside laying her on the ground out back along with the deputy. No weapons. No clues to how their deaths happened. No evidence leading to who killed them. Just the bodies back by the trees as if someone had just left them there.

Georgia didn't leave anything behind in the house for the police to find that would implicate any of us. Just as Aubrey did the same in the green house. It was their way of protecting all of us.

Especially Mia.

She isn't handling this well. I don't think she's going to be able to make a statement. She's ready to break as it is. Just watching Mia, I think we're in trouble with her. Her face is white as a sheet and she hasn't stopped shaking.

"It's the first time she's killed someone. Give her a break, Beckett!" Aubrey says it as if we kill people all the time around here.

"She hasn't seen a lot of drama in her life, has she?" Georgia asks, getting out the bottle of whiskey from over the refrigerator. The bottle she keeps for special occasions or emergency situations. I guess she considers this one of those times.

"She stays out of trouble," Leo answers for us, helping her with the glasses. "Georgia, we need to go find the others."

"I know, sugar. But the police are going to need your statements," she takes the glasses from him and puts them on the table. "And we need to talk first. Eat, we'll make this fast."

Leo didn't want to wait but he did as she asked. None of us were going down for what Lindsey has done to us. I know that's exactly what Ma is thinking too. We've been through enough because of her and we aren't going to go through anymore.

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