Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


Now I know what a boggled head is. "Oh God, I'm going to be sick!"

Rushing to the bathroom, I kneel in front of the toilet and wish to never see another glass of whiskey again in my life. Why did I drink that stuff? I know better than to drink alcohol!

"Stupid! I'm stupid!" I whine with my head resting on the cold porcelain of the tub.

"Mia! Are you up?" The overly cheerful voice makes my head pound even more.

Groaning in pain, I curl up in a ball on the bathroom floor and wish for the world to just swallow me up and leave me alone for the rest of the week, or month, possibly the next year.

"Mia? Oh, honey, are you okay?" Her voice softened immensely when she found me.

Thank goodness she has taken pity on me. Maybe she will hide me from having to face the others this morning. I can't face Cole. He'll only scold me for drinking too much and then he'll say I can't handle this. Which I've obviously proven that I can't.

"You get back into bed, I'll get Georgia's secret remedy, you'll be good as new before the others get here. I promise." Brynn holds out her hand to me to help me up.

"You won't tell Cole, will you?" I question her, painfully opening one eye to see her face. "He's going to do the whole 'I told you so' male thing and I don't think I can handle that right now."

"Cross my heart, I won't say a word," she actually crossed her heart.

Smiling just a little because even that hurt my face, she helped me get to my feet and back to bed. A few minutes later I had a cold cloth on my eyes, the black out blinds that I didn't know I had were closed and Brynn went out for this miracle cure. I could kiss her.

I don't know how long she was gone. I thankfully fell back to sleep. And now I'm determined to buy myself some black out blinds for myself, because I love them. I barely heard them moving around the room. I knew it was Brynn, I recognized her perfume. And by voice, I assumed it was Aubrey, minus Chance, with her. Beckett must be downstairs with the baby. Which means so are the others.

"He's here, isn't he?" I groaned without opening my eyes.

"Not yet, but I expect he will be soon. Leo is distracting him for the moment at the restaurant thanks to Georgia. So let's get this in you and you'll feel better soon," Brynn held up a glass of something that looked green, thick and disgusting.

"What is it?" I sat up while my head spun then throbbed. My stomach churned and wanted to revolt against me.

"Don't ask, just know it works. I can tell you from experience, I've taken it myself. It works fast, but don't smell it, and don't take time to taste it. Just chug it down. Trust me," Brynn gave me a sympathetic nod of encouragement.

This is going to be bad.

I should have listened to her but the minute she said don't do it, I had to sniff, I had taste. I thought I was going to puke but Aubrey was faster than I was. She stepped in, by holding the back of my head and the glass to my mouth, she forced me to chug it down.

In the end, after gagging and gasping for air with tears in my eyes, I finished the glass of sludge. I don't know what Georgia puts in her magical, horrible tasting, nasty concoction but it works. I felt better almost instantly. Better than I thought I would. I don't want to know what I drank simply because I think I truly will be sick if I know what I ingested but I am thankful I can walk downstairs and face Cole without looking green.

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