Grover Wears Fake Feet

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Honestly, I didn't even realize what was going on. I was just trying to wrap my head around the fact that Ms. Abney just tried to murder me and I set fire to my school with some oversized magical gloves. I also seemed to have come out of the explosion unscathed. Only my clothes seemed to attest to the fact that I was in a fire bomb. And all that doesn't even come close to the fact that I was looking at Grover running in front of me with hooves instead of feet!

"Grover? Uhhh your feet bro,"

"Now's not the time Asher. I'm a satyr, I'll explain more on the way to camp."

"You keep saying camp, but what do you mean camp? What the heck is even going on?"

Grover turned around and stopped. "Asher, you know about Greek myths with gods and monsters right?"

I looked back at him skeptically. "Yeah, dad talked about them sometimes. Told me stories about heroes and such. But what does that have to do with anything?"

"Look man. All those stories about the gods and monsters are real. Everything Garric told you about the Greeks are not stories at all. And you, you're a son of one of those gods."

"What!? You mean like Zeus or Apollo and whatnot?" I exclaimed. Thunder roared in the distance.

"Asherrr. We don't just use names like that. Names have power."

"But that's not true. They're all just myths. Something to explain weather phenomena and stuff." But I wasn't too confident in my own statement as I was still looking at his hooves. 

"C'mon, we need to hurry to your home and pack." Grover motioned me to move again. We got to my house and I saw my dad outside with his arms crossed and a stern face.

"Sparky what the heck happened. You're back from school early and I get a call from your principal that you set fire to a kids eyebrows and the school?" Garric said to me with a raised eyebrow.

"Garric. We have to take Asher to Camp Half Blood. The monsters caught onto his scent." Grover cut in. I saw Garric sigh heavily and a solemn look took over his face.

"I thought this would happen by now. I was hoping we would still have one more year but I guess it was too much for me to ask for." I looked wildly between Grover and my dad.

"Wait wait, hold up. Dad you knew about all this? About all this Greek god business? Why didn't you ever tell me?" I exclaimed. Garric looked at me sadly while Grover looked down at this feet embarrassed.

"Asher, you have to understand, I couldn't tell you otherwise your scent would be stronger. I can't protect you when they find you. Not anymore at least."

I looked at my dad questioningly, "Wait so does that mean you're a god or something. I'm actually part god?" Garric shook his head.

"No I'm not a god. I used to be a half blood until I asked the gods to make me fully mortal. I thought this way would make you more safe since the scent wouldn't be as strong then. It was your mother that's your godly side."

"Wait no you said that my mom died."

"No not dead. I said that she left us. But she always came around once in a while to see you. You just didn't know at the time"

Memories flashed in my head of the times when I remember a soft woman's voice whenever I was angry or had a tough day at school.

"Umm Garric, Asher. We have to get going now." I heard Grover bleat out.

"Son, you'll be fine. Grover is a great satyr and you're a tough kid." I saw my dad look down at my wrapped hands. "Keep those hand wraps on. They used to be mine, but I think you'll use them better than me. I'll get you boys some cash so you can catch a plane. I'll try to send a prayer to your mother too so that you'll be ok going into Zeus's domain."

"Wait what about you dad. And who is my mom anyways?"

Garric shook his head again. "I can't go with you. Camp Half Blood is not for mortals. And your mother will show herself to you when it's the right time." I watched as he ran back into the gym and come back out with two bags and tossed them at me and Grover.

"Go Asher. Be safe Sparky." He grinned. A faint flame showing through his red eyes.

"I will. Also stop calling me that." I smiled back at him. I turn around to Grover and we ran to find a taxi.

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