Another Potentially Boring Day at Camp

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A few days have passed since I came to camp. Generally my days start with waking up for breakfast then taking Greek lessons with Annabeth. Surprisingly, I had a very easy time with Greek despite not know much about it at first. Annabeth even commentated on how quickly I picked it up compared to other half bloods.

Annabeth and I got along quite well. We would always talk about tactics and brainstorm strategies that may or may not work. I didn't know why stuff about war would come to me so naturally. I couldn't be a child of Ares seeing as I had a dad. And I didn't have any visible attributes like the other Athena children. Namely the grey eyes they all had. Annabeth would sometimes still stare at me trying to figure out who my Godly parent was while also tossing out guesses at me.

"You know you can still maybe a child of Ares? Maybe you're adopted?" she quipped. That very thought didn't sit very well with me.

"Annabeth, I don't even want to think about such a scenario. The very fact that my dad is not actually my dad... well I don't like that. And why wouldn't he even tell me then in the first place too." I snapped at her.

"Oh yea... my bad. That was insensitive of me." Annabeth apologized. I know she's just naturally curious but even then, that guess was in bad taste.

I sighed, "It's fine. Sorry for snapping at you too. Whoever my mom is, if she really cared about me, I'm sure she'll send a message." I couldn't help but hope that my mom would send a sign too. I know from the many campers in the Hermes cabin that it might not happen but there's just a little part of me that I wouldn't be one of them.

"Anyways, I've got to go soon. I got sparring with Clarisse." I got up and waved goodbye to Annabeth.

Besides Annabeth, I also got along with Clarisse. I was surprised too, but after our little fight on my first day, we would do more sparring matches together. I would teach her some grappling techniques and she would show me how to strike with tricky feints and setups. We garnered mutual respect with each other and would always try to see who would one up the other every sparring session.

"Oh crap!" I yelped as Clarisse tossed me over her shoulder after I left myself open from a jab. I landed hard on my back and the air got pushed out of my lungs. "Oof. I'm gonna regret showing you that throw aren't I." I gasped for breath while my back laid on the floor.

Clarisse smirked down at me, "Guess I got you this time. What's the record now? 4-3 to me?"

"Actually I think I'm the one at four. You're three." I replied as I got back up to my feet.

"Nuh-uh. Remember I won twice yesterday. Once with the double leg and the other with kick to the face."

"No way! You cannot count that double leg as a win! I was talking with Annabeth during that."

"Well you should have been paying attention then." Clarisse laughed, "Don't get in the ring if you ain't prepared for the heat." I gave up. When Clarisse gets stubborn, there's nothing that will changer her mind.

"Fine, you can take the win. I know you'll need it to catch up to my score after today." I readied up to take her on again.

"Ha! Bring it knucklehead!" Clarisse charged at me. After the sparring session, I got out with one win and a tie for the next as were both getting exhausted and just called it quits so we can go to our next camp activities.

After our spar, I would have archery with the Apollo cabin. I wasn't exactly terrible at it, but I was definitely no Apollo camper. After a few tries at archery I knew it wasn't for me. I felt more at place when I'm close and personal with my targets. Foot racing was ok with me though. I wasn't as fast as the wood-nymph instructor, but I was definitely at least able to keep somewhat of a pace with them. I just attributed it to the fact that I trained everyday with my dad.

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