Distractions can be Fun 🔵🎤 (☁️)

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Credit for the plot goes to ThatTurtleAlchemist

Leo and Fumiko are in the middle of a study session together but of course Leo winds up getting distracted until he gets an idea, deciding to take Fumiko to the Hidden City and tries to help her understand that some distractions are healthy and needed when stressed.

PlotLeo and Fumiko are in the middle of a study session together but of course Leo winds up getting distracted until he gets an idea, deciding to take Fumiko to the Hidden City and tries to help her understand that some distractions are healthy an...

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Leo was currently over at Fumiko's apartment and he hummed tiredly as he laid his head down on the coffee table out of boredom, the red eared slider was a bit lost in thought and so much so that he ended up missing what Fumiko said. "Leo!" Leo jolted a bit and he looked over at the brunette for a moment as Fumiko puffed her cheeks in a cute but angry manner, making Leo chuckle.

"What's that look for?" Leo asked, he sat up and stretched as he knew that they were supposed to study but it was growing a bit tiresome and he laid back a bit against the couch. "You know what it's for. We're supposed to study, not goof off you know.." Fumiko sighed, she seemed a bit wrapped up in her own stressful situation as she set aside a journal and there was a multitude of different colored sticky notes sticking out of the pages like bookmarks.

Leo took a gander at the journal and then back at Fumiko as he practically read the stress all over her like a book, so he got an idea and smirked a little as he got up. "What are you d– hey!" Fumiko yelped softly as she was picked up by Leo and carried over his shoulder and she squirmed a little.

"Leo! Put me down!" Fumiko exclaimed, she felt embarrassed that she had to be carried around like this and Leo got one of his swords so he could make a portal as he carried Fumiko over his shoulder. The blue masked turtle then slashed a portal open with his sword to take them somewhere.

"Just relax princesa, you shouldn't be so stressed out. So I'm taking you somewhere to de-stress." Leo said, Fumiko arched a brow and she made sure to at least grab her hoodie from the couch before they left through a portal that Leo slashed open.

Another portal opened in an alleyway as Leo landed on the ground safely and he had Fumiko in his grasp before he set her down, Fumiko slipped her hoodie on and pulled the hood up to hide her face so she wasn't seen in public. "Why did you portal us here?" Fumiko questioned and she seemed puzzled while Leo searched around for something.

"It should be right here somewhere.." Leo mumbled, he then found it after a bit and pushed a brick as a glowing symbol formed on it and a few more glowing symbols formed along the bricks until it made a sort of doorway, revealing some stairs leading down. "Whoa.. okay, definitely new on my list. What is that?" Fumiko asked.

"This is our ticket for a stress free day, shall we?" Leo put his katana away in its case and he motioned Fumiko down the steps as Fumiko was hesitant but she walked down the steps as Leo followed behind her.

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