Chapter 16: I Got Away With That?

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Kris was a little shocked. None of his siblings had commented about him needing to get changed, but he also didn't care. He was happily enjoying his ice cream he and his mom stopped for on their way to meet the family in the shuttle waiting area. 

Kris was a little confused at first, wondering why no one had any bags. Then he remembered what his mom said about him being able to change into underwear when they got to the hotel. He didn't fully understand how their bags got there but assumed that must be where they were, and that's why they had to accept that lady's help. 

They all got packed into the shuttle to their hotel. Kris was happy it was a bus. That meant he wouldn't need a booster seat. The ride was uneventful, it was a short drive to their hotel. As they pulled up, all of the kids couldn't help ooo and awe at the sight. They hadn't been on a family vacation before or stayed at any place that seemed this fancy. It almost felt like they were royalty. The whole place looked unreal. The kids could see different characters from some of their favorite films spread throughout the lobby of the hotel. The main lobby was so large and beautiful that they felt tears welling up in their eyes. 

"Are we staying here!?" Sam pulled at her mom's shirt, excited about making it to Disney World. 

"Yep, we are going to be here for the next week, and you are going to see your favorite princesses and characters from all of your favorite shows and movies. We do need to get checked in first, and get ready to head out, so can you stay with your big sister while daddy and I get us checked in?" Sam's eyes lit up with excitement, this was going to be the best thing ever!

"Okay!" She ran off to join her siblings over in some of the lounge chairs as they each looked around the breathtaking lobby. 

"I bet you're excited to get out of that diaper," Tammi spoke towards Kris, keeping her voice low. "I'm sorry you went through that. It must've been a lot for you."

Kris was lost for words, so he simply nodded as he blushed at his sister's remark. He felt small and exposed. He wanted to just forget about what happened, but his sister's words at least made him feel a little better. It seemed like his family was slowly starting to get the idea of how hard this had been for him. 

"I just want you to know, I got your back. I promise." Tammi's words were meant to be a comfort, but to Kris, it felt like an empty promise. He's heard those words a thousand times by now. Each time, it only took a matter of days, or even minutes before he found out it was just words, empty and meaningless.

"Thanks." Kris knew he couldn't take her at face value; he would have to see it for himself before he could let his guard down. 

"Alright, kids, we got our room. Let's go." Kevin came over, holding a few key cards to access their designated room for the week. All the kids quickly stood up from their chairs and ran towards their parents, excited to see what magical place they would be staying in during this trip.

Kris ran up in front of the rest, wanting to get into the room as soon as he could. He was excited to see what it would be like, as well as getting changed and showered. He wasn't sure if he'd have time to shower, but he still felt a little dirty from earlier. He hadn't noticed that Tammi was quick behind him, but not rushing past him. 


They ran into the room, throwing the door open, not waiting for their parents to enter. Normally, doing something like this would frustrate their dad, but he just smiled, seeing the joy and excitement on the kid's faces. The room was a masterpiece; every detail was themed around one of their favorite movies. They saw the theme spread throughout the carpet to the couch in the living room. It splashed in the kitchen, and they could see posters and picture frames with different artistic drawings of their favorite characters. 

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