Chapter 22: That was Fun

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Kris couldn't believe it. He was stuck in another pull-up again. This was the second day in a row where he wore one during the daytime, even though he knew he didn't need it. Well... He thought he didn't need it. After that accident on the plane, he began doubting himself. He couldn't stop the humiliating accident from happening. If only he hadn't been so afraid of using public restrooms, he would have been fine and would have never ended up in an actual diaper. 

"Maybe this isn't so bad," Kris tried to find some comfort in his situation. "It's just for one more day, and if I stay dry, Dad might give me another chance."

He pulled the dry pull-up on and dressed quickly, determined to make the best of the day. He splashed some water on his face, trying to wash away the embarrassment and nerves. As he stepped out of the bathroom, he saw his dad waiting for him, a mix of frustration and hope in his eyes.

"Ready?" Kevin asked, his tone softer than before.

"Yeah, ready," Kris replied, forcing a small smile.

Kevin ruffled Kris's hair. "Let's go check on your sisters, and then we can head over to the arcade, okay?"

Kris was grateful to see his dad in a slightly better mood. He didn't seem as angry as before. Kris had no idea why that was the case. He hoped it was because he took a moment to calm down, but it was hard to say. What would happen if he had an accident or his pull-up was exposed again? Would his dad get angry? Would he defend him? The thoughts of not knowing made Kris feel anxious, but he tried his best to push those thoughts aside as the elevator descended toward the lobby. 

The elevator dinged softly as it reached the lobby, and Kris and Kevin stepped out into the bustling area of the hotel. The morning rush was in full swing, with families heading out for their own adventures. Kris scanned the crowd, searching for familiar faces. His heart sank a little when he thought about the people who might have seen his earlier mishap.

"Let's find your sisters," Kevin said, gently nudging Kris.

They wove through the crowd, and Kris tried to focus on the excitement of the day ahead rather than the uncomfortable thought of running into someone again from this morning or that boy from the elevator.

As they made their way towards the pool area, Kris couldn't help but feel the anxiety building. Someone there would likely recognize him as the boy who fell in the pool, still wearing a diaper. News like that probably spread through the pool area like wildfire. The thought of seeing Sam and Tammi made him feel even worse. Would they tell everyone else who was there about his bed-wetting issues? Would they try to play it off like they didn't know him? Did he manage to embarrass them as much as he was embarrassed?

Kris tried to shake the thoughts off, but the fear returned. This vacation was supposed to be fun, yet all it seemed like so far was another chance for him to humiliate himself. He could see his sisters as they approached the pool.

"Great, ready to go play some games?"Kevin stopped after waving to get their attention. He was satisfied seeing they were still there and safe. He trusted Tammi to watch after her siblings. He had her babysit them all from time to time since she was already a teenager, helping him feel semi-confident in her ability. She had always been responsible.

Kris felt a rush of relief, knowing that they wouldn't have to go all the way over there. He was so worried someone would recognize him. The cute lifeguard, at the bare minimum, would have. "Yep! Let's go." Kris quickly followed his Dad as they changed directions towards the arcade.

Kris didn't want to dwell on the embarrassment of earlier, but the fear of getting called out by someone kept creeping up. He hoped the arcade was a place where he could lose himself in games and forget about everything else.

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