Chapter 21: What Were You Thinking

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"I'm sorry, Dad." Kris wasn't sure how his dad would react to him wearing a pull-up when they just bought him underwear the day before. "I wasn't sure what to do; Mom said I was still in Pull-ups, and I... I... I wasn't sure what to do. I..." Kris was frantically panicking. He felt every word he spoke was only making things worse. 

"So you thought you'd wear a diaper instead of underwear?" Kevin was frustrated and confused. He couldn't understand why Kris, someone who had been giving them so much trouble around wearing the pull-ups in the first place, would willingly wear one during the daytime without someone prompting it. Well, someone coherent. He should have known that his mom wasn't being serious.

"I didn't want to make you upset." Kris hung his head and spoke softly. He knew he messed up, and there was nothing he could do to fix it. He simply hoped his dad would at least be semi-understanding.

Kevin sighed loudly, pausing to contemplate his next actions. "I can't believe he would do this. He says he doesn't like them. He says he doesn't need them. He says he doesn't want to be a baby. He says he doesn't mean to have these accidents. Yet here he is. He has fresh, brand new underwear that I HAD to buy because HE forgot them AGAIN."

"Did you open that pack of underwear yet?" Kris's heart skipped a beat at his dad's question. Why would he ask such a thing?

"I haven't, not yet. But should I? Should I lie and say I did? But what if he finds out I lied?" Kris didn't want to risk finding out. His dad wouldn't mind putting back everything in the shopping cart and leaving the store if they were't behaving. So him ending the trip early, or sending Kris back home early wouldn't have been out of the question. 

"No. Not yet." Kris hated the thought of losing out on the fun of their first significant family vacation. He hoped his dad wasn't going to do anything too drastic.

"Good, bring them here." Kevin was clearly upset and had something in mind as to how to handle the situation. Kris wasn't sure if he was in trouble or not, but the fact that his dad asked for the pack of underwear wasn't a good sign.

Kris rushed back into the shared bedroom, still soaked from head to toe from falling into the pool. As he walked into the room, he saw Kyle laying on their shared bed reading a book. He lifted up his eyes to see Kris in his soaked state, including the soaked pull-up still very visible through his cloths.

"What happened to you?" Kyle couldn't believe his eyes. How did he manage to get completely soaked? Not only that, but why was he still in a diaper?

"Sam shoved past me, knocking me into the pool." Kris was irritated that his brother saw his sorry state. He couldn't believe this happened. He didn't know what was worse, the fact that everyone downstairs, in their shared hotel, now saw he was wearing a diaper or having an accident on the plane. At least in the airport, it was unlikely he would ever see those people again, and most likely, most of them didn't even notice. 

But here? At a shared hotel, where there were hundreds of people in the area, and on the walk back to the room. There was no way people didn't notice, and the likelihood of him running into them again was very high while on this trip. He wasn't sure if he would ever live this down. If he were lucky, no more instances of something like this would ever happen again while they stayed at the resort.

"But why are you wearing a diaper?" Kyle couldn't help himself. He didn't want to pick on Kris, he wasn't trying to make fun of him. He just couldn't understand why Kris would be wearing one after how many times he stated he hated them. Correcting him every time he called them a diaper.

"It's not a diaper. It's a pull-up." Kris hated it when his pull-ups got called a diaper. He didn't want to be wearing them in the first place. He only put one on to try and save himself from his mom's anger. She asked him to wear one on the flight, and it turned out he needed it. He wasn't sure if she actually meant it this morning. Tammi was sure she didn't, but how could he be sure? She might have just tried to trick him. "Mom thought it would be a good idea if I wore one. So I put one back on instead of underwear." Kris blushed, explaining the situation to Kyle. Shivering slightly as the AC in the room combined with his soaked clothing, started to make him feel cold.

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