Chapter 23: Bathroom Troubles

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Kris felt a mix of excitement and anxiety bubbling inside him as they left the hotel room. The morning had been tough, but the arcade had been a great distraction. Now, as they prepared to head to the amusement park, he hoped the rest of the day would go smoothly. He hoped he could avoid embarrassing himself again. They hadn't been here more than a day, and he had already managed to let what felt like everyone know he still wears pull-ups.

The elevator doors opened, and they stepped into the bustling lobby. Kris's heart raced as they navigated through the crowd, hoping no one would recognize him from earlier and the pool incident. He tried to keep his focus on the excitement of the park. They exited the hotel and walked towards the shuttle bus stop to take them to the amusement park.

Kevin led the charge, keeping the family organized. He was carrying a backpack filled with snacks, water bottles, and sunscreen. Kim held Sam's hand, keeping the youngest close as they walked towards the bus to transport them over to the main amusement parks.

Kyle, who had finally joined them, walked beside Kris, a bored expression on his face. Kyle sometimes acted annoyed by his siblings, but he also had moments of unexpected kindness. Tammi brought up the rear, making sure everyone stayed together.

"Remember, stay close and listen to us," Kevin said as they boarded the bus. "We'll have a lot more fun if we stick together."

The bus ride was filled with chatter and laughter. Sam and Tammi discussed which rides they wanted to go on first, while Kevin and Kim talked about the park's layout and how to avoid the longest lines. Knowing it would only be a matter of time before they got stuck in one. Kris stared out the window, watching the beauty of the park pass by as the bus drove them to the next destination.

When they arrived at the park, Kris was amazed by the colorful attractions and the sounds of joy all around them. He felt a small hand slip into his, and he looked down to see Sam smiling up at him.

"Let's go on the teacups first!" she said, tugging his hand.

Kris groaned inwardly. "The teacups? That's a baby ride, Sam."

Sam's face fell, and she pouted. "But I want to go on them!"

Kevin overheard and looked at Kris ."Dude, like you have a leg to stand on." Kris ducked his head at his dad's comment. He didn't mean to come off as rude or to sound condescending; he just didn't want to go on such a childish and girly ride. But it was too little, too late to change what he said.

Kris sighed, feeling a bit guilty for dismissing his sister's choice. "Sorry. We can go on the teacups first."

They went to the teacups, a whimsical ride with oversized, spinning teacups that whirled around a central platform. Sam's eyes sparkled with excitement as they joined the line.

"I'll go with you two," Tammi said, stepping beside Kris and Sam. "Mom and Dad can watch from over there." She pointed to a shaded bench where their parents could rest momentarily.

"What about Kyle?" Kris felt frustrated that he seemed to have to go on the ride, but it was optional for Tammi and Kyle.

"It's his call. He wasn't the one who hurt his sister's feelings. Who just wanted to spend time with her big brother." Kim replied. She usually wasn't one to be overly picky in situations like this, but she hated seeing the two youngest having their feelings hurt, and if they did it to each other, that was unacceptable.

Kris wanted to argue back but felt like if he did so, all he would end up doing was making things worse for himself. He might have to go on all of the girly rides with Sam if he argued. At least complying this time would give him a fighting chance in being able to have options later on.

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