Part 9

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Nagisa paused as he watched Rei plead for an answer on why the boy was seeing Shinji on several occasions. Nagisa crying cause him to start hiccuping slightly.

"I.....I..."Nagisa started to say. But he stopped himself. He didn't know how to explain Shinji to Rei. "He's just an old friend, we use to know each other in junior high." He started.

"So you dated him middle school?" Rei said bluntly, fixing his glasses due to his nervousness. "You want to be with him, don't you? You don't like me anymore. Everything we had was a lie." Rei had meant to let Nagisa speak but his emotions were just flowing out.

"Rei I..." Before bagisa could finish the nurse walked in.

"Oh goodness what's all the commotion?" She asked looking at the both of them. Rei looked away as Nagisa kept on staring at him. "Mr. Ryugazaki you need to be resting. The doctor will be here shortly to check on you." The nurse said to rei then switched her attention to Nagisa. "As for you sir, because you are not an immediate family member I'm going to have to ask you to leave due to visiting hours being over." She bowed her head slightly and waited for Nagisa to get up.

"Rei I'll visit tomorrow." Nagisa said. His eyes were filled with sadness and on the brink of tears.

"Don't bother. " Rei said not able to look at Nagisa knowing that if he did he would break down.

Nagisa grabbed his shirt and reluctantly walked out the door to meet up with Makoto. The blond ran to his friend and started to cry in his arms. "" Nagisa said between sobs.

Makoto hugged Nagisa back. This had not gone the way he had thought. "Come on let's go, well come back tomorrow when you both have calmed down." He sad patting the others head.

Nagisa looked up at Makoto. "He doesn't want me to come back. He hates me!" He shouted. A nurse told him to be quiet and Makoto apologized.  Makoto sighed and said, "do you really think he would have protected you if he truly hated you." Makoto gave Nagisa a moment to process what he said and the boy nodded. "Let's come back tomorrow when you both have cooled down." Makoto placed his hand on Nagisa's back and began to walk him out of the hospital.

Once Nagisa left the room Rei couldn't believe what he had just said to the person he cared about. He knew Nagisa better than that. He couldn't understand why he let his jealousy get the best of him when he didn't even know the whole situation. He sighed and leaned back against his bed. Rei placed his hand over he eyes and began to cry.

Reigisa (Rei x Nagisa): UnspokenWhere stories live. Discover now