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Surprisingly, Nesta was back at the bar the next day, asking for a bottle of whiskey once again. I took the bottle and the glass and then headed over to her booth putting it down in front of her.

I didn't say anything at all, unlike every other day she had come here before. I had no intention of having anything to do with the High Lord.

"What?" She snapped, "No snarky remark?"

"No, wouldn't want you to go bitch it all back to your little High Lord"

Her eyes were dark and she looked like she wanted to kill me again, "Like I said, I don't associate with him"

"Don't take it the wrong way, Nesta, but I don't really believe people here much when they say anything else than how great he is"

"He is everything but great"

I gave her one last look before turning away from her, "I think you should find a different bar"

I was halfway back to the bar, to go grab another drink for a customer sitting in a different booth, "Marlie"

I turned back around to her, surprised that she had called my name. That's about the last thing I had expected from her. And she felt sorry and she was... scared. Scared to lose me?

"What, Nesta?" I asked.

"What do you want me to do for you to believe I have nothing to do with Rhysand?"

I didn't know if this was her way of trying to tell me that she wouldn't tell him every word I said. But sadly, I really thought Rhysand had bad intentions, and sending Nesta over to spy on me was something I could very much believe he would do.

"That little money found of yours, where does it come from?" I teased.

Her mouth shut tightly, proving what I had expected. I had no idea what him and Nesta had for an agreement, but I didn't want to fall for it. I wouldn't fall for it, because I wasn't that desperate yet.

"Fine, I know Rhysand, and yes he does give me unnecessary amounts of money. But I do not like him, and if you think I would ever spy on you for him then you don't know me at all," she bit.

I guess she had figured out what my concern was, and purely because I didn't want to shout through the bar and have everyone listen in on our conversation, I walked back to her booth and slid in.

"Well he already has Az spy on me. How can I believe he's not sending you too?"

She furrowed her brows, confused, "Azriel spies on you?"



Was that his real name? Was Az a nickname they gave him?

God how I wish I could ask her things about him. I nearly would have, because his shadows weren't lurking around me. They barely did when I was working. They had at the beginning, but not anymore.

"Yes. Do you?"

"No," she ground out and she was being genuine.

"Alright, but I still don't want to be seen around you. He'll get the wrong impressions"

Maybe he'd think I was trying to infiltrate into his life and spy on him, when that was the very last thing I would be doing. I didn't want to know what he'd do with me if he thought I was spying on him. Maybe he'd think I was reporting everything back to Tamlin. I didn't know why I would, but then again he couldn't know that.

"What do you care if he has wrong impressions?"

"Because unlike you, I like it here. I don't want to be thrown out to god knows where. And if he thinks I'm spying on him, that's the easiest way to get unnecessary attention on me"

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