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I spent a whole day there at the cabin on my own before there was a slight knock on the door. I knew it was Azriel before even going to open it.

He was so tall, filling the whole doorway, looking cold with the snow behind him. Luckily there was a little fireplace that I had managed to put on, with an endless supply of wood.

I didn't ask him anything, just walked away leaving the door open for him to come in.

I didn't know why he was here either. Maybe Rhysand had told him to check up on me and see if I had already killed myself.

"How are you?" He asked after having closed the door.

"Fine," I mumbled, sitting back down in the sofa chair, wrapping up in the covers next to the fire. It wasn't cold up here, but it wasn't warm either.

Azriel took up so much space in this room, even though it was big enough. But his shadows made it seem like he was much bigger.

He waited a moment and then, "Are you mad?"

I looked up at him, seeing unsureness on his face and it nearly made me grin. Was he worried I was mad at him? Was he shy about it too?

"At you?" I asked him to make sure.

A slow nod.


Although I wasn't too sure to be completely honest. Was I mad that he'd do absolutely anything Rhysand would tell him? Not really. But was I mad that he was so willing to take me back to the Court of Nightmares? Maybe.

"Did you fly all the way here?"

He nodded again.

"Sit down," I said nodding at the sofa chair in front of me.

He reluctantly made his way over there and sat down, looking way too big for it.

His lips looked slightly blue, but before I could examine them too much I looked away remembering how he hadn't liked me looking at them before.

I stood up and grabbed one of the covers on me, handing it to him.

He watched me, a slight crease on his forehead. But he eventually gave up his internal fight and took it from me.

"What you're wearing can't be very comfortable," I observed, seeing he was wearing leathers.

They looked amazing on, clinging to ever muscle, with blue jewels on his chest and hands. But I wouldn't want to spend my days in them.

He hesitated, looking down at himself as if he had forgotten what he was even wearing, "It's fine"

I had found some more normal clothes in the wardrobe here, so I had changed into some loose cotton pants and a sweater.

"Is Rhysand really mad?" I asked quietly.

"I don't know. He hid away last night after dropping you off"

"I'm sure he wouldn't want you telling me things like that"

Azriel knew I was right, so he kept his mouth shut.

"How long is he going to keep me here?"

Azriel watched me and then a small smile spread on his lips and he sat back in the chair more. I had never seen a smile on his lips and I wanted to picture it forever and never ever forget it.

"You keep asking questions not even Rhys has the answer to right now," he said with slight amusement, "Ask me something I know, or I'll get frustrated I can't answer anything you want to know"

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