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I was woken up by the sun streaming into the room, barely remembering having even gone to bed, and just knowing that I didn't even manage to sleep through the whole day.

So I went down, to just sit in a booth, drink, and relax for a little, because I didn't feel like sitting alone in my room until I could work.

Besides, sitting alone made me think of Azriel all the time and that made me mad.

The first people finally started pouring into the bar and I was about to get up to start working, when someone slid in the booth in front of me.

I looked up slightly surprised, staring at Gwyn.

She looked completely awake, obviously not ready to go to bed, compared to me who probably looked like I hadn't slept at all.

"Hi?" I half asked, half said because I wasn't sure what she was doing here.

"Nesta told me you work here"


She didn't look like she was here to have a friendly talk. She looked like she was here to tell me to stay away from Azriel.

"It's an interesting place," she said, obviously meaning that she couldn't possibly understand why I worked here.

"Your first time coming in a bar?" I asked slightly provocatively.

"No," she snapped.

I leaned back, deliberately making myself more comfortable to make her feel like she was too tense. She definitely was too tense for coming here when I was working and obviously wanting something from me.

"You left with Azriel yesterday," she stated.


"He didn't come to training with me after"

Well that was definitely interesting. And she was obviously jealous and thought that he had stayed with me.

I saw Fred and Tom walking in and decided that I didn't want to spend more time than necessary with her. I wouldn't let her accuse me of things that I hadn't done.

And I didn't know if being mates was something like being married, where it was wrong to have something with somebody else, but she obviously felt so.

And I felt wrong having something with Azriel anyways. Especially when she then showed up and accused me of things that had never happened.

"Shouldn't you have a little more trust in your mate?"

Her eyes nearly bulged out of her head and she just stared at me as if that had caught her completely off guard.

She was so surprised, I nearly felt surprise because of it.

"He told you?" She asked.

I watched her reaction for a few long seconds.

Was she really so surprised that he could have told me? Or maybe she had told him not to say. Maybe I shouldn't say anything more then.

"Why? Was it meant to be a secret of yours?"

"I didn't know he..." she started, but then cut herself off completely, her lips pressed together harshly.

She didn't know he what?

I wanted to ask her, but asking her meant admitting that he hadn't told me. And then having to say that Nesta told me and that would most probably ruin their friendship or whatever they had going on.

"Have you kissed him?"

Her voice was quiet now and she sat with her head slightly hung and I felt the slight pain coursing through her. And that managed to make me feel bad instantly.

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