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I didn't get changed into anything fancy, because I didn't feel like wearing anything like a dress now. I was just going to see a few people again but I definitely wasn't going to impress anyone. Besides I wouldn't feel comfortable in a dress because of how slim my body had gotten over the past few days.

I still had to make up for that but it wouldn't happen over night sadly.

Azriel and I got there a little late because he had debated whether he even wanted to take me now or not. But he had ended up giving in to me because I had told him how much I wanted to see Nesta again.

When we got to the house of winds they were all already there, waiting for us. With the look on Rhysand's face and the slight relief it sure felt like he thought we wouldn't be coming after all.

Feyre rushed to us and pulled me into a tight hug before I could even complain. She was holding me so tightly, "Thank you Marlie. Thank you so much"

I hugged her back slightly hesitantly. I was glad that I saved her. She deserved that.

But when she finally pulled away and I got a chance to look around the room, my eyes landed on Gwyn.

When Azriel had talked about this dinner he had not mentioned that Gwyn would be here. I was not in the mood to see her and with all that had happened in the last few days I had nearly completely forgotten about her.

About her and Azriel kissing.

Now that it was all slowly coming back I was hesitating slightly. I had gone on with Azriel as if nothing had happened when in fact I had wanted to talk to him about that. And him saying that he didn't want to stop kissing me did not make me feel better about it.

"You can leave now," came Rhysand's voice, splitting the awkward silence.

I looked up at him being so sure that he had meant me and was now slowly realising that he didn't want me here anymore now that Feyre was back.

But when I saw him looking right at Gwyn, I frowned. He was telling her to leave? Why was he telling her to leave?

"I barely just got here," she said, a slight undertone of annoyance.

I didn't know she'd be the kind of person that spoke like that to a High Lord. But apparently she was and that was surprising.

"It's family only," he answered, "You wanted to see him. Well you just saw him. Now leave"

She gave the High Lord the kind of look that made me wonder how good she thought she was. I don't think I'd ever look at the High Lord like that.

"She's not family," she seethed, pointing at me.

Rhysand looked at me and then let out a long breath, "Just leave Gwyn"

Azriel was still next to me, not even looking like he was about to say anything at all. He looked like he didn't really care and that he wasn't here to argue about anything.

When she still didn't move Rhysand went to her and whisked her away under all our noses. And then, just moments later he was back again without her.

The High Lord came towards us as if that hadn't just happened at all and gave a tight smile.

"Thank you for coming"

Azriel still looked like he wasn't ready to say anything at all. He still looked mad at Rhysand and I was wondering how long he would still stay mad. Because as much as I liked him standing up for me, Rhysand still was his friend and also his High Lord.

I, however could stay mad at him for however long I liked. He wasn't my High Lord and I wasn't his friend so it didn't matter one bit.

All three of us just stood there in complete silence not feeling like we should say anything at all.

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