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I woke up still freezing and with someone sitting on the edge of the bed I was in. I blinked, willing the tears at the events of yesterday to stay away as long as somebody was in here with me.

"Hey," he said smoothly, "How are you feeling?"

It wasn't the male I had hoped would be sitting in front of me. Although I had known better than that obviously.

"Cold," I mumbled into the covers that felt freezing too.

"Well you can be happy that you have a great guy who turned a fire on for you just now. The guy who brought you in said you'd need it," Quent said.

"Who brought me in?"

"This massive guy. Said you got stuck in a snowstorm and would sleep for a few days. He wasn't wrong about that"

"I'm sorry," I muttered, feeling like I could sleep for another few days.

"Don't apologise. It's happened to all of us before," he smiled.

I did stay in bed, sick with a runny nose and a concussion but luckily nothing more than that. Although if I had stayed in the snow any longer I would have probably gotten frostbite on at least a few toes or fingers.

I got back to work once I felt fit to walk around again. But I couldn't think of anything else than Azriel.

Had he told the High Lord about it yet? When would I die?

His shadows didn't follow or spy on me a single time and I knew it was because he didn't even want to see me right now.

I died my hair back to a deep brown that still had a hint of the red underneath but nothing as striking as my natural colour. And it had started to get just a little too red for my liking.

And then I walked over to the house Nesta's sister was staying in, because I didn't know any other place where he would be.

I had no clue where he even lived and right now would be perfect to know that just so I could go and visit him without having to go through five other people.

I was wearing a thick sweater and some mittens and woollen socks purely because even though I had been sitting in front of fire ever since I had woken up I couldn't get myself to warm up completely.

I knocked on the door, feeling too nervous for my own good. But feeling better because the sun was already down.

The woman I recognised as Mor opened the door, watching me for a moment and then instead of letting me in, stepped outside with me, leaning the door closed behind herself.

"I don't think you should come in right now," she said sounding slightly sorry.

Why not? Had he told them about who I really was?

"I need to speak with him"

"I think it'd be better if you wouldn't"

I looked up at her, sensing some kind of jealousy. Did she think I was stealing him from her so she wouldn't let me speak to him now?

I tried pushing past her, but she held me back, her arm snacking around me tightly, "He's not here Marlie"

"Where is he then?" I asked stubbornly.

"Somewhere you couldn't get to on your own"

"I need to speak to him," I repeated.

She looked me over, looking down on me and looking so much more intimidating close up, "Even if I wanted to bring you to him, I could only take you so far"

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