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  The rising sun peers through the blinds of the basically empty bedroom

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The rising sun peers through the blinds of the basically empty bedroom. The sleeping girl tossed her body the opposite way, back facing the windows, before she forced her eyes open. The room was quiet as the girl pulled herself out of bed, fighting back fatigue and sluggishly dragging her body to her attached bathroom.

Opal, a southern girl from Savannah, Georgia. Growing up, she thought she had all she would ever need. An only child, so she had her mother to herself. Her mother fancied herself as the best housewife in all of Savannah, only after she got herself involved with that...man. Opal was not a fan of her stepfather, her biological father being murdered at the hands of...someone. It's been 23 years and her father's case is still cold as ever. It was a rough time for her and her mother, but as long as she had her, she would be ok, right?

It wasnt long before Opal's mother found herself back in the arms of a man. Opal was never to open to the idea of her mother dating again but she couldnt even believe her mother had gone through with marrying into his awful family. Vincent Nolan. Such a fake man.

Opal reached her bathroom door, turning the knob to open the door before flicking the switch.

Opal's POV

My heavy eyes lift up to look at my reflection in the mirror. My body sore from the day before, lifting boxes is not something a lady should be doing...not on her own at least, I thought to myself. I start a steamy shower for my aching pains, praying that it'll remove some of this tension my body is suffering from. I slip out of my silk nightgown and slide my panties down my legs, watching both pieces of clothing hit the floor before I pick them up to place them in a hamper. After confirming the water's temperature, I step in, letting the close to boiling water bead against my skin just to roll off back down the drain.

I lather my body in milk and honey scented soap, losing myself in thoughts about plans for that day. I suppose I should look around town to find the perfect place to make my debut. Then I could explore while doing so. I smiled to myself at my plans. Once I feel my body completely wake up, my aching pains are null and my skin is washed away of bubbles, I turn the shower head off.

I reach out for my lavender bathrobe that hung just a top of my door and wrap it around me, letting myself be consumed in its warmth. My bathroom looked closed to my room in terms of what was stored there, which at this moment were all boxes, waiting to be unpacked. I reach for the box labeled 'countertop essentials' which contained the toothbrush and tooth paste I was searching for. I reach to turn the knobs on the small box radio, a gift from my father, and turn them until I can make out and audible voice. "- Morning, New Orleans! Im your host, Alastor, here to bring you your daily news. But before we get started with todays show.."

I had turned on the water and started brushing my teeth as I listened in closely to the host's voice, waiting for him to get to the weather portion of the broadcast. "I would just like to take a moment of silence for yet another family who has lost a loved one at the hands of this disgusting bastard." The host's voice went from cheery to a very menacing tone when mentioning the murder that had just taken place early this morning. "As always, please be safe, New Orleans.." he started as his voice shifted back to its original tone.

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