Meeting him.

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Catnap pov~

As I wandered down the crowded school hallway, a flash of golden fur caught my eye. A dog strolled by, his tail wagging eagerly as he chatted with a group of friends. "Hm?" I mumbled under my breath, I wondered who that was.. he was pretty attractive to.

I nuged craftycorn and she looked over to me with tired eyes, "Hey, Craftycorn, look at that cutie over there," I whispered to Craftycorn, nudging her in the dogs direction.

Craftycorn blushed and glanced over nervously. "O-oh, yeah, that's Dogday he is pretty popular around here. He's so friendly and nice to everyone."

My grip tightened on Craftycorn's arm. "I don't care about everyone. I care about him," I muttered with a hint of possessiveness.

As Dogday's group passed by, I stepped forward, with my heart racing. "Excuse me!" I called out, causing Dogday to look their way, curiosity lighting up his eyes. "Um, hi. I'm Catnap. I've seen you around, and I just wanted to say, uh, hi."

Dogday's warm smile reached his eyes as he turned to face Catnap. "Hey there, Catnap! I'm Dogday. Nice to meet you. You're in my English class, right?"

I felt my cheeks flushed with excitement as they nodded, their heart pounding in their chest. "Y-yeah. I am. Maybe we could, um, chat more after class?"

Dogday's laughter filled the hallway as he nodded eagerly. "Sure, I'd love that! See you later, Catnap!" My eyes softened at his tone.

I watched Dogday walk away, a triumphant hum escaping my lips. My plan was working perfectly. As always.

Obsessive much~// yandare catnap x dogdayWhere stories live. Discover now