Chapter Four

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WARNINGS: none for now

Note: All characters are aged up, since there will be mature themes in future parts.

Also, I can't promise I'll finish this. I suck at finishing stories.

Note 2: I was in a "blushy" mood when I wrote this


The parrot had returned to his perch and was watching you curiously as you pulled out your notebook. You decided that you might as well go over and study him first, since he seemed eager enough to talk earlier.

"Hey, I never got your name," you said, waving at the colorful-winged boy.

He gave you a big smirk, "Ace is the name, don't forget it."

You couldn't help but think he was even a little more cocky than the peacocks. The way he smirked at you made you feel like he was grating on your nerves a little.

"Well, my name is (Y/n), it's nice to meet you," you said, smiling brightly.

"I'm not going to remember that," Ace said matter-of-factly, "Too many keepers, you know?"

You tried to keep the annoyance from showing on your face, but it must have shown a little, because Ace's grin was widening. For whatever reason, he was toying with you.

"Well, if you don't mind, I'll be taking some notes," you said, holding your notebook up for him to see.

"I do mind," Ace shot back without hesitation.

"What do you want to do then?" You asked, biting back a sigh, "Did you want to talk?"

For the first time, the mask slipped. The smug grin disappeared, revealing something more vulnerable, "Everyone that comes through just makes me repeat things like I'm some sort of circus freak."

"I'm sorry," you said, heart clenching at his confession. You could picture little kids trying to get him to repeat after them like a... well, a parrot, "I won't do that to you. We can just have normal conversations."

Ace's eyes averted from your figure and a slightly blush rose on his cheeks, "Yeah, I mean, I'd like that." He raised his arm to shield his blush from you, "Ah- I, um, we can talk next time."

"Are you sure? I'd love to talk with you."

"Yeah..." the redness spread to Ace's ears. You hadn't meant to make him blush, but you couldn't help but think it was cute. You were disappointed when he spread his wings and flew off to the birdhouse, disappearing inside.

You pulled out your notebook and began to write:



The parrot halfling's name is Ace. His wings and hair are more orange than red like in normal parrots. Other than the wings on his back and the way his feet curl into talons, he looks human.

He's able to hold conversations easily and probably knows more languages than the average human. He seems to like retreating to his birdhouse to eat and have privacy.

Next, you decided, you'd go to the raven, since his cage was right next to Ace's.

The cage appeared empty and you quickly realized he must be inside his birdhouse. Because of the color of his hair and wings, it was impossible to pick him out among the shadows in the entrance.

"Deuce!" You called out, "How are you doing?"

Immediately, there was movement inside the birdhouse and Deuce's head poked out, staring out at you, eyes glittering with excitement despite his calm expression. Dark blue wings spread and, before you knew it, his talons were digging into the perch at the edge of his cage.

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