Chapter Seven

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You balanced the boxes of donuts in one hand while you pulled open the door to the savannah exhibit open. Then, you slid inside, happily carrying the boxes through the heated exhibit. The heat was already causing beads of sweat to appear on your brow, so you made sure to hurry.

The hyenas were where they were the other day, by the waterfront, chatting animatedly between each other. At least, they were until Ruggie yelled "Hey!" and, in a storm of dust, raced over to meet you.

Ruggie stood in front of you, eyes gleaming, no signs of being afraid of you anymore, "You brought donuts!"

"Yes, I did promise you that I would!" you said with a laugh.

Ruggie wrapped his arms around you and placed his head on your stomach in a strange hug. You couldn't really hug back with the donuts in your arms, but it made you smile all the same.

"What kind do you want?" you asked, opening the top box. Ruggie snatched up a chocolate frosted donut with rainbow sprinkles and plopped himself down on the dry grass below, chowing down on the donut without leaving time to breathe between bites.

"Slow down, Ruggie, you're gonna choke," you laughed, motioning for him to calm down. Ruggie looked up at you with a mouth full of donut and he looked so innocent you couldn't help but melt a little.

He tried to say something, but it was muffled by the chocolate in his mouth. He seemed to realize you couldn't understand him, so he chewed, swallowed, and said, "All for me?"

"Nooo, everyone gets a donut," you laughed, "You are not eating 36 donuts on your own."

Ruggie pouted and continued to chomp on the rest of his donut. The other hyenas came up and each took their own donut. Once they were all finished, you picked up another chocolate sprinkled donut and handed it to Ruggie, "One for the road, hon."

"Road? Hon?" Ruggie was confused, tilting his head at you as he tried to understand.

"It's a phrase and a nickname," you said, patting Ruggie's fluffy hair gently, "Don't worry about it."

Ruggie leaned into your touch as he scarfed down the new donut. You waved goodbye to the hyenas, who all hesitantly gave you a little wave back, before heading across the savannah to the far end, where the lions laid.

"Hey guys!" you yelled, "Who wants donuts?"

No response. Oh well, you were used to that.

"Hey Leona, which donut would you like?" you asked the king of the savannah.

"I eat meat, not sweets," he replied coldly.

"Have you ever had one before?" you asked coyly, "Or are you just trying to avoid me?"

Leona's jaw hardened and, after a moment of glaring at you, he held out one hand with claws extended, "Give me a donut."

"You have to pick which kind," you explained, "There's too many flavors."

Leona growled, but he allowed you to open the box and show off its contents to him. Leona reached for a powder sugar donut and gasped in surprise when he saw his fingertips, "This donut! Its white covering sticks to your paws!"

You tried not to laugh, "Yeah, powder sugar gets everywhere, but it's really good."

Leona raised the donut to his mouth hesitantly. You smiled encouragingly and he tentatively took a bite. His eyes fluttered closed at the sweetness and he let out a pleased hum.

"Still don't like sweets?" you teased.

"You were right, herbivore," Leona conceded.

The lion halfling sat up on the rock and called out to the other lions, "Take one donut each! Do not be tempted to take more just because of their sweet flavor."

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