Chapter Six

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WARNINGS: suggestive content

Note: All characters are aged up, since there will be mature themes in future parts.

Also, I can't promise I'll finish this. I suck at finishing stories.

Note 2: Sorry this is so late!


The first place to start was the aquarium. You were a little excited to see Floyd again, considering how friendly he was. If you were going to make a huge discovery, it may just be with the eel halflings.

You walked up to the water and peered down at it. It's hard to see anything down there. From the surface, you could only see indistinct shapes of rocks and coral. You put your hand in the water and splashed it a little, hoping to get the attention of the creatures down below.

Suddenly, an arm seizes your hand and starts to pull. You lose your balance and tumble forward, falling into the water with a splash. You gasp and swallow salt water, gagging on the taste and, once you surfaced, scrabbling desperately against the concrete walkway that led up to the water's edge.

You noticed a metal railing on your left, probably meant for divers to get out of the water easily. You began to swim for it but your ankle was grabbed and you were dunked under the water once more.

Once you surfaced, you spun around and were met with Floyd's mismatched gaze. He giggled and playfully tugged on your ankle again.

"Stop!" you yelled, the sound echoing against the walls. Floyd let go of your ankle and moved backwards, looking like a kicked puppy.

You swam to the railing and pulled yourself out. You pulled your notebook out of your pocket to find it ruined, the paper too waterlogged to use. Thankfully, you used different notepads for each enclosure, so the notes from the days prior were safe, but the three notepads you had brought today were unusable.

"We don't do that, Floyd," you said sternly, "I don't go into the water."

Floyd blew bubbles in the water, his eyes sad. Suddenly, he disappeared into the water with a large splash that hit your already soaking body. You shivered in the cold air, wishing you had a towel.

An eel surfaced, and you were about to scold Floyd again, before you realized the halfling was Jade, and not his twin.

"Hello, Jade," you said wearily.

Jade blinked softly at you, before saying, "I am sorry for Floyd."

Your heart melted a little, "It's okay."

It would be fine. You could just take notes when you got home. Next time, you'd put them in a waterproof container or ziplock bag or something before visiting the aquarium.

Floyd resurfaced, holding something black in his hands. It took you a moment to realize it was a tentacle. Confused, you watched as he dragged a blushing Azul to the surface.

"Brought... octopus... you asked," Floyd said proudly.

It took you a few moments to put things together. Floyd was trying to make it up to you by bringing you Azul, who you had asked for yesterday.

"Floyd..." you weren't even sure what to say to the eel. He clearly didn't have any bad intentions when he pulled you into the water- he probably thought it was a game or something.

You sighed, "It's okay, Floyd, I forgive you."

Floyd swam up to the edge of the tank, blinking up at you with his heterochromatic eyes, still holding one of Azul's tentacles.

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