Chapter Ten

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Surprise! Sorry for the lack of Jack content in this one.

Feel like this sucks but at least I wrote something ;-;

WARNINGS: yandere themes

Note: All characters are aged up, since there will be mature themes in future parts.

Also, I can't promise I'll finish this. I suck at finishing stories.

NOTE 2: I decided to make this a little fluffy before shit goes down.


It was your turn to feed the halflings dinner again. The hyenas, lions, and wolves all were going to be given the same food: hamburgers. Each was individually wrapped, and there must have been a hundred of them between the two giant buckets you were forced to carry.

Surely that's way too much for even all three groups combined! You groaned as you lifted the buckets. Your arms were definitely going to get a workout from this.

You trudged into the savannah, your arms already aching from the heavy load you were forced to carry. Thankfully, the hyenas were gathered on the rocks not far from the entrance.

Ruggie's eyes lit up as soon as they saw you, letting out a bark of excitement as he leapt down from the rock he had been sitting on with the grace of a cat. He stopped a few feet away from you, as though he were waiting for a signal from you.

You placed the buckets on the ground and lifted your hands in a calming gesture, "You know I'm not going to hurt you, Ruggie. I've just brought food for you all."

Ruggie grinned and bounded forward, taking you by surprise as he pulled you into a hug, rubbing his cheek against your own. He pulled away, a sly grin on his face as he stole a burger from the left bucket and slipped away, climbing onto a large rock and unwrapping the food.

You felt a little flustered by the sudden show of affection but, with a shake of your head, you dismissed his odd behavior. Yet, Ruggie's eyes never left your figure, his tail wagging back and forth as though he was thrilled to be able to see you.

When he came for his second helping, he reached out a hand and slid it beneath your chin. He drew his face closer until you could feel his hot breath playing across your lips. For a moment, you thought he was about to kiss you, but he spoke up instead, stumbling a little over his words, "You are special to me."

"I am?" you were taken aback by his sudden confession.

"Yes," Ruggie said with a wide smile, "You're my favorite!"

"Favorite what? Researcher? Aren't I the only researcher you know?"

Nishishishi. Ruggie giggled at your confusion, "Favorite. (Y/n) is my favorite."

Completely nonplussed now, you gave him an awkward smile, "You're a strange one, Ruggie."

His smile morphed into a pout, "Am I favorite?"

You reached out a hand and messed up his fluffy blond hair, "You're my favorite Ruggie in the whole world."

He gave you an annoyed look, his hyena ears flat on his head. It was clear he was hoping you'd be a little less specific. But you couldn't tell him something like "you're my favorite hyena", as that wouldn't be fair to the other halflings.

You took a seat on the rock as the other hyenas came for their second helpings, skirting around you with nervous looks. Ruggie practically threw himself onto your lap, his stomach back landing on your legs as he gazed up at you. You almost shivered when you saw his expression.

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