Chapter Eight

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"Hey, (Y/n)! What have you got there?" Ace was quick to greet you when you walked into the bird exhibit, balancing a box of donuts in one hand as you closed the door behind you.

"I brought donuts!" you said with a wide smile. Ace's face lit up, "Oh sweet! Is there a cherry flavored one?"

"Huh?" you were surprised by the request, "I'm not entirely sure that exists... either way, I'm afraid I don't have that flavor. I have strawberry frosted ones though."

"I'll take it," Ace said, reaching greedily for the box in your hand. You walked closer to him and popped the lid open.

"There are so many flavors!" Ace gasped at the sight of the box's contents, "Say what you want about humans, but they're real masters at making food."

"Yup, we're pretty good at food," you laughed.

Ace took a donut with pink frosting and sprinkles out of the box and studied it, "Looks kinda girly."

"Doesn't matter what it looks like," you snorted, "The taste is the only thing that matters."

Ace took a bite and chewed for a moment, savoring the flavor, before his eyes lit up with excitement, "Delicious!" He ate the rest of the donut in two bites.

"So you like cherry?" you asked.

"Cherry pie, at least," Ace said, "In the rainforest, I lived near a village, and a kind old lady used to give cherry pies to all the halflings."

"That's really nice of her," you said with a fond smile, "Was she sad to see you leave?"

"She died," Ace said, looking away, "She was long gone by the time I left the rainforest."

"I'm so sorry," you said, but Ace merely shrugged.

You reached out and took one of Ace's hands in your own, "I'll try to bring you a cherry pie one of these days, when I get better at cooking, okay?"

Ace smiled at you, "I'd like that." He cleared his throat, eyes looking a little watery as he suddenly spread his colorful wings and flew into his birdhouse.

You turned to Deuce's cage and found him already watching you.

"Want a donut?" you asked.

He gave you a reproachful look but dipped his hand into the box you offered to him anyways. He chose a simple glazed donut and put it aside for later. You had the feeling he might not be one for sweets.

Still, he looked up at you with a soft smile, a light blush, and a "thank you". You smiled and told him, "No problem, Deuce."

You decided to go to Trey next, even though he creeped you out a little with the way he looked at you, as though he knew everything about you with one glance.

You found him waiting patiently for you to approach him, despite him being an owl in the middle of the day. "I'm surprised you're not sleeping," you told him.

"I could never sleep through your visit," Trey said softly.

"That's surprisingly sweet," you replied with a smile.

"Surprisingly?" Trey asked, "Am I not allowed to be sweet?"

"No, it's just..." you pushed aside your misgivings- it was probably rude of you to be so creeped out by a halfling that did nothing wrong. Owls always had a severe kind of look to them, that's probably why he scared you, "Nevermind. Would you like a donut?"

Trey took one from your box and smiled at you, "Long time since sweets."

"When was the last time you had one?" you asked.

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