Chapter Five

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WARNINGS: none for now

Note: All characters are aged up, since there will be mature themes in future parts.

Also, I can't promise I'll finish this. I suck at finishing stories.

Note 2: I haven't gotten to Idia's or Diasomnia's chapter yet, so please forgive me if the characters seem ooc.

Note 3: Of course Jade and Floyd get the most screen time.


Today you had not one, not two, but three exhibits to cover. The aquarium, reptile exhibit, and the panther and albino tiger exhibit were all on your list today. You decided to cover them in that order.

The man who ran the aquarium gave you the three meals without a second glance, walking briskly through the door as soon as you had picked up the fish sandwiches. What a friendly guy.

You walked through the keeper's entrance, situated above the aquarium tank for easy access to the halflings inside. You looked down through the blue water and couldn't see any movement or signs of life at all.

"Um... hello! Meal time!" You called.

No response.

You kneeled at the side of the tank and splashed your fingers in the water a little, still calling out "meal time". Just as you were about to give up, a curious head popped out of the water.

It was one of the eel halflings- you could tell by the razor sharp teeth and the golden eye staring lazily up at you.

"Want a sandwich?" You asked, holding out a fish sandwich to the eel.

He nodded and held out a hand. You were fascinated by the webbed, clawed fingers that reached out to you. You must have stared too long because the eel let out a confused chirp, wondering why his sandwich was taking so long.

You handed his meal to him and watched as he dug in.

"What's your name?" You asked.

"Floyd! Floyd!" The eel yelled out his name excitedly, as though he had answered a million dollar question. You laughed.

"Nice to meet you, Floyd. I heard you have a brother?"

Floyd nodded and dove under the water. You cringed at the thought of soggy bread, but figured it probably didn't bother a sea creature.

Floyd resurfaced moments later, tearing at his sandwich with his sharp teeth. This time, however, he was not alone. Peeking above the water so only the top of his head and eyes could be seen, was a halfling that looked just like Floyd.

There were a few differences, such as the side his golden eye was on and the side his bangs parted, but the main difference was his expression. He had a different feel to him than Floyd. While Floyd's face was relaxed and playful, this one was wary and studied you intently in a way that made you feel bare.

"What's your name?" You asked. The eel did not answer, but Floyd was quick to supply the answer for him.

"Jaaaade," Floyd told you, a playful smile spreading across his face.

"It's nice to meet you, Jade," you said to the quiet eel halfling. He narrowed his eyes in response, studying you even more intently.

You held out a sandwich for him to take. There was a minute where he stared at the food, before a clawed hand gingerly plucked it from your hands. He disappeared under the water.

"There's one sandwich left... Oh, right! There's an octopus halfling in the tank too! Could you get him for me, Floyd?"

Floyd let out a chirp and tilted his head in confusion. You realized you had just dumped a ton of words on the poor halfling.

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