01 ✧ Getting over it.

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No matter what Gojo did, he couldn't seem to let go of these bitter-sweet memories they shared together.

He hated how it made him feel. His heart would swell then empty the next.

It was that endless cycle. And he couldn't seem to break it.

He swore after that day to never let anyone in again.

And that's exactly what he did.

He closed himself off from everyone else, not daring to let his true emotions show from underneath the surface.

And it was going to stay that way.

"Yoooo, Gojo~" Shoko called, a cig in her mouth.

What an addict. "Shoko." He put on a facade, one he mastered over the years.

"You should come drinking this time."

"Ah, you know I don't drink." Gojo grinned, giving the back of his neck a rub.

"Oh boo, you're such a bore these days." She snickered before stamping out the bud.

"See you, then."

"See you." He watched her walk off before exiting the school himself.

He had a routine. And he went through with it every day.

"Hmm..I should buy myself a treat~" Gojo hummed as he headed to the convenience store on the way home.

He walked into the store, hearing the familiar ding from the entrance.

He knew exactly where to go, going straight for the candy aisle.

"What to buy, what to buy..." he clicked his tongue, his finger scanning through what they had available.

Kikufuku. Just what he was craving.

He picked it up, a satisfied grin on his face as he made his way to the front to cash out.

"Just this?" The employee asked.

"Ah, yes." He confirmed, flashing a grin.

"So handsome.." she whispered to herself, ringing up his item.

"Have a good day~" she beamed. "Mhm." He walked out, finally getting to satisfy his sweetooth.

He opened the packaging, taking a bite out of it as he looked around.

His eyes widened at the sight. Was that...

"Free desert?" Yeah, he was rich. But free stuff was good, too. And he was a bit of a cheapskate... He walked up to the poster, reading the contents.

So he had to collect coupons to get a free desert.

Maybe next time, he thought to himself before making his way home.

He collapsed on his bed once he reached through the door, heaving a sigh.

It was pretty lonely. And he was used to always being with someone...

Geto Suguru. His best friend. Or atleast used to be. They did everything together.

Everything was fine up until Toji messed up their mission. Good thing that fucker was dead, now. But that didn't help the situation.

If Toji hadn't intervened, everything would've been fine.

Geto would've been here.

"Am I still...not over this? Not over him?" He spoke to himself, pulling the blindfold off of his face and throwing it lazily to the ground.

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