06 ✧ Death.

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"...Let's give em' a show." Gojo mused with a toothy grin.

This certainly wasn't going to work. But he could at least try. "Don't whine when I kick your ass though."

"As if." Gojo scoffed, regretting he let his guard down when a swift kick came to his stomach.

Geto sighed and rubbed his neck once free, his eyes briefly scanning the area.

He lived in a pretty secluded place just out of the city. A nice house and everything.

He wondered how Gojo found him. "How'd you even find me?" Geto asked as he engaged in hand to hand combat with him.

Gojo was pretty shitty at that, and he was surprised he was keeping his limitless off.

"I sniffed you out." Gojo joked, but it didn't really sound like one...

Though, it didn't faze Geto one bit. "Kidding~ I followed traces of your cursed energy."

Makes sense. He caught Gojo's fist before it reached his side, pulling it back behind him and slamming him to the ground.

"After all these years, you still suck at this." He snickered, feeling Gojo squirm underneath him.

"C'mon, this is bad for my ego." He whined, trying to get out of Geto's sturdy grip.

Of course he could get out of it easily, but he wanted to enjoy this a little more.

Lips pressed up to his ear. "Fuck you and your ego." A breathy voice whispered.

Those words sent shivers down his spine, forcing him to swallow.

And only then was Gojo able to kick him off, creating a distance between them.

"I don't think that's fair."

"What is?" Geto knew exactly what he was doing.

Gojo shrugged it off.

They continued to fight, Ijichi watching from the distance.

"Why is his infinity off?" He thought to himself, his eyes following each move they threw at eachother.

Geto was pretty much a master at martial arts, not even needing his curses as he hit and kicked at Gojo's vitals.

And he surprisingly allowed it, merely dodging when he came for his face.

"Is this all you've got? You have gotten soft, Satoru."

Soft? Of course he wasn't. He just didn't want to hurt him too badly.

"I wouldn't waste all my energy on you." He finally caught Geto's leg.

Geto managed to free himself, before putting the other sorcerer in a leg-lock.

"Hey that isn't fair!"

"There aren't any rules." Well...he was right about that.

"I thought you were the strongest? And you're letting me beat you. What a shame, I wanted a real challenge."

"I don't wanna...hurt you too badly." He breathes out, Geto's legs tightening around his neck.

"You think I'm afraid of a little beating? Hit me with all you've got."

That'd surely kill him, but he could put more effort into it.

He got out of the leg-lock, creating some distance between them before throwing a lapse blue his way.

And Geto dodged it, just barely. He received a gash on his arm, which didn't hinder his abilities that much.

The adrenaline rush, that was what he was waiting for.

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