04 ✧ Let's Talk.

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A month. A whole month without seeing Gojo. Maybe almost 2.

He said they shouldn't meet again. Gojo didn't want to see him.

And he should respect his wishes. After all, it was stupid and selfish of him to go out of his way to see him again after all these years.

He sighed, leaning back in his chair as he was having his hair brushed.

He was so deep in thought, he jolted with pain once he felt a hard tug at his hair.

"Ow!! Satoru, I told you to be more ....careful."

He turned around, forgetting it was Nanako that brushed his hair. "Ah—Sorry Master Geto...your hair got caught in the brush."

"It's...alright." He muttered, his face flushed out of embarrassment.

He usually slipped up like this every so often, mistaking someone's actions for Gojo's.

That's just how close they used to be. They did everything together.

"That stupid fuck." Gojo cursed under his breath, kicking a rock that barreled into a tree.

He was upset. Utterly upset.

And he shouldn't have been. He was the one that told Geto they should stop whatever the fuck they were doing.

He hated that it bothered him so much that Geto listened to him.

He's been off the radar for almost two months and no sign of him at all.

Gojo grit his teeth, stomping over to the training grounds. He needed to let off some steam.

Of course it was already occupied by the time he arrived.

His students were there, training as per usual.

He sighed, watching from afar as they practiced.

"One more time!" Maki shouted, a triumphant expression on her face.

"Why can't Inumaki go? All he does is sit there." Panda wallowed, sitting on the ground with a huff.

"Bonito flakes." Inumaki disagreed with folded arms.

Maki rolled her eyes. "Just one more time."

"Fine...just don't kick my ass too hard."

"No promises."

Gojo watched them fight for a few minutes, critiquing them in his mind. He'd have to give them pointers later.

He walked off, wandering the school to his own pleasure.

Gojo went on his own accord most of the time, and was pretty stubborn so they let him be.

He had a heavy heart weighing him down as he roamed the school,

Seeing Geto hurt. A lot. And maybe it was partially his fault for him turning out this way.

He looked back on how things ended with him and he was too oblivious to see the signs.

That Geto needed him. And he didn't do anything about it. What an idiot he was.

Yaga eventually caught him roaming around, giving him a scolding.

The end of the day was finally here, and it was time to go home.

He should buy some cat food and other things for himself on the way back.

He reached the store, searching for the things he needed.

Instant food first. And you'd expect him to be a good cook since he's naturally good at everything, right?

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