07 ✧ Hidden.

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Gojo has been keeping Geto hidden for atleast a week now—not in his apartment, of course.

That could be dangerous. If they found out they he was keeping him, that would probably be the first place they would look.

He had a few houses scattered around Tokyo, but he didn't bother to use them.

But now was the perfect time.

He chose the one farthest from the city, just around the outskirts.

It was a quiet neighborhood, no noise whatsoever.

Geto and the twins stayed there for the time being.

"Satoru, this isn't going to work." Geto told him for the umpteenth time, exhaling softly.

"I know." Gojo answered. "This is only for the time being. I'll run away with you if I have to."

Despite Geto stressing, they exchanged a small smile.

"Master Geto." Nanako came in, shying behind the door.

He could tell the girls were weary of him.

"I'll give you some space." Gojo headed out, closing the door behind him.

It was just Mimiko outside of the door, not pleased with the sorcerer.

He shrugged at her, taking a seat on the couch.

"If something happens to Master Geto, we'll kill  you." She scowled, her eyes shooting daggers at him.

He only laughed. "If you can, go right ahead." A cocky smirk played on his lips, spreading out onto the couch comfortably.

Nanako sat on the bed, examining his injuries. They were getting better.

"Master Geto, do we really have to stay here?" She asked, laying her head on his lap as he stroked her hair.

"Yes. It's to keep you girls safe." He brushed the hair away from her eyes and tucking them behind her ear.

"...He won't hurt us, right?" She mumbled, leaning into his hand.

"No. He won't. You can trust him." Nanako wearily nodded, sitting upright after being reassured.

She left soon after, leaving him alone in the room.

Shoko came in later, checking up on his wounds.

"You're healing pretty fast." She commented, setting down his arm after inspection.

"That's good to hear." He nodded, staring down at the covers.

"Uh—Shoko." He called her attention.

She hummed in response. "How has Satoru been the past decade...?"

She chuckles. "Horrible. He's been whining nonstop the past few years. Even got blackout drunk once. It was kind of funny."

A frown grew on Geto's face. "He misses you more than you know. He probably won't admit it." They make eye contact briefly.

"Take good care of him this time, got it? He's...in a pretty fragile state right now."

He nods at her advice. "Do you not feel any resentment towards me?"

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