02 ✧ Reunion.

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What the fuck?

Why was Geto here?

"What do you want?" He asked, trying to keep on his facade and a calm demeanor.

"Thought I'd visit and old friend. You don't look too happy to see me." What look was plastered on his face right now? He couldn't tell.

"You can't be here. And you know that." Gojo kept his distance, eyeing Geto from afar.

He changed. His hair was longer than before. He no longer kept it in a bun.

He didn't wear that same sweet smile anymore. It was...one that hid malicious intent.

"Do you not miss me, Satoru?" Geto asked, taking a step forward.

"Not another step." he avoided the question, lifting his hand up, ready for attack.

"Or what, you'll kill me? I highly doubt that." Geto chuckled, walking over until they were in close enough distance.

Being this close to Geto was dangerous. For his heart and for logical reasons, of course.

Geto took his wrist, pressing his hand to his chest, his fingers forming a flicking motion. One he'd use for hollow purple.

"Do it. Aren't you obligated to kill when you see me?" They both knew Gojo wouldn't.

His touch. It felt the same. Despite everything else that was different. Warm, gentle.

Enough to send his heart fluttering. But now wasn't the time to think about these things.

He swindled out of Geto's touch. He couldn't take much more of this.

If he stayed any longer, who knows what would happen.

Every part of him wanted to hug him so tightly and never let go. Yet he refrained.

He wanted everything between them to stay the same. How it was before.

But things happen. And he had to come to terms with reality.

"Stop. You need to go." Gojo urged, but he wouldn't budge. The higher ups could notice at any moment...

"Not yet. I think we have some catching up to do." His eyes resembled crescents, that damned smile on his face.

"Don't you want to know what I've been up to all these years?" He added.

Of course he was. But it wasn't the time. And he had so many questions he wanted to ask, but nothing came out his mouth.

"Suguru." Gojo called. It was firm, but held a bit of emotion to his tone.

"Stop. Just...go. Please. If the higher ups know you're here, they'll—"

He was caught in an embrace. One that he longed for.

It was the same way Geto always held him, gentle and sweet. It made him tear up.

"Satoru." It was how he always said it. Fragile, dainty. One to set Gojo's heart aflame.

"I really did...miss you." He was speaking differently. Not how he was before.

Gojo sharply inhaled, not knowing what to do.

He couldn't let himself fall again. Not after what happened.

But Geto was really making it hard to not do so.

"Fuck..stop. Let go of me." Gojo sniffled, his heart weighing him down as he hesitantly held his waist.

Geto sighed, his words were defying his actions.

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