03 ✧ Stirring Trouble.

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It had been a few weeks since they had their "reunion".

And it bothered Gojo. A lot.

But he had to keep calm instead of doing something rash.

In the mean time, Seishun kept him busy.

He was now officially a cat dad.

He never expected to get a pet, but the cat distribution system chose him.

Seishun was really spoiled.

The most expensive toys, luxury bed, high quality food.

A cat's dream.

He had to get ready for work, and would leave the small black cat alone in the house for the day.

They were surprisingly well mannered, keeping himself occupied with toys and such.

Seishun rubbed against his leg as he was heading toward the door.

"I'll be back." He spoke, giving the feline a few pets.

He could hear the cat meow behind the closed door.

Gojo sighed, heading off to work.

His students were away on a mission, and wouldn't be back for a few more days.

He knew everything would go well. They were trained by him, after all.

Gojo strode down the hall, his facade still in use.

There wasn't much to do besides teaching.

Sure, there were missions and meetings. But all of those things were such a bore.

He yawned, raising his arms up as he stretched throughly.

Gojo let out a satisfied exhale once he finished.

"Gojo." Yaga's deep voice greeted from behind.

"Hmm? Whaddya want now, old man?" He turned around dramatically, his head cocked to the side.

"There's been an incident. And...Geto might've been involved."

Gojo straightened up immediately. "Okay. Tell me where to go. I'll handle it."

He arrived at Yokohama, the streets indented and crumbled.

There had been a veil placed when he arrived, and everyone has been evacuated.

He got to work, using his six eyes to locate any traces of cursed energy.

Gojo could recognize Geto's immediately.

He followed the traces, eventually turning a corner.

Geto was there, back turned as he watched one of his curses devour a corpse.

"Oh? You're here. And rather quickly too." Geto greeted with a grin. One that Gojo despised.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Gojo snapped, stomping over to him and grabbing his wrist out of impulse.

"What does it look like?"

They stared at eachother for a moment before Gojo let go of him.

"And it seems I've gotten your attention."

"Why are you doing this?"

A hush fell over the streets, Geto's smile slightly faltering.

"Hmm. You wouldn't believe me if I told you." He chuckled, his hands disappearing into the sleeves of his gojo-kesa.

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