05 ✧ Fake.

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"What's with that face?" Megumi asked, scratching behind one of the divine dog's ears.

"Adult things. Don't worry about it." Gojo sighed dramatically, melting into the couch.

Megumi only stared, an indifferent expression on his face. The black dog laid near Megumi's foot, it's eyes closed.

"If you're gonna sulk, just go home already." Megumi huffed, standing up from the couch and headed for the kitchen.

The divine dogs followed in suit, tails wagging madly behind them.

"Get me a snack, will ya?" Gojo called out, getting comfortable on the couch.

"..." Megumi threw him a bag of candy, (which Gojo stocked their cabinets with) he caught it with ease.

He opened the bag, letting out a satisfying pop as he put some in his mouth.

"Remind me why you decided to come here again?" Megumi asked, reaching up for a cup in the cabinet.

"Do I need a reason to see my favorite kid?"

"I'm not your kid. You never even signed any legal documentation." He made himself a cup of coffee, adding a tiny amount of sugar to it.

"Whatever. You're still my kid." Gojo pouts like a child, laying back on the couch and extending his legs.

He rested his head on the chair arm, watching Megumi's every move upside down.

"C'mon, Megs! Call me dad. Just once."

"I'm never calling you that. And go to work instead of bothering me." Gojo gave up on annoying him and instead got up from the couch and headed towards the kitchen.

He ruffled his hair, Megumi only groaned in response but didn't stop him from doing so.

"Alright, I'll be leaving now. Don't miss me too much." Megumi eventually swatted his hand away, watching with sharp eyes as he left through the front door.

He did worry about Gojo sometimes, even if he was annoying and immature. He always put on a smile, ready for the worst.

And Megumi could see right through his facade.

Gojo headed to Jujutsu High. Nothing felt right after his encounters with Geto. He didn't know what he should think about him anymore.

It wasn't the same Geto he knew. It was someone different. But he had hope. Hope that deep down somewhere, that same Geto he came to love was in there.

He frowned at his sorrowful thoughts, trudging up the stairs after arriving at the entrance. "Gojo." He was greeted by Yaga's deepened voice, instinctively looking up as his name was called.

"Need somethin'?" He asked with a raised eyebrow, straightening up. "The higher ups would like to speak with you."

Fuck. They knew now, didn't they? "Right. I'll go." He sighed, giving the back of his head a scratch.

He made his way there, not at all worried. They couldn't do anything to the best sorcerer they had. And since when was he scared of those old hags who sit on their asses all day?

He was Satoru fucking Gojo. The strongest Jujutsu sorcerer. Nothing was going to happen to him.

It was dark in the room when he arrived, as per usual. He never knew why they kept it so dark in here. Pretty dramatic.

"Heyyyy....you said you wanted to speak with me?" He asked pretty nonchalantly, not bothering to be polite or respectful.

They hated Gojo's attitude. And he knew this. "Don't you know what you have done? You let him go. Again." One of the higher ups spoke, their gruff voice echoing throughout the room.

It would normally be bone chilling, but Gojo didn't give a shit. But he knew to stay quiet this time, and let them have their say.

"That man is dangerous. He needs to be stopped." The other one spoke, harshness in their voice.

"By not killing him, you are risking all of Jujutsu society and innocent people. Do you not know that?"

"I do."

"Then what is the problem?"

He couldn't say anything this time. He just stood there, letting them judge him.

They began to talk amongst themselves, whispering and bickering.

"...he only seems to target Gojo." He heard one of them say.

"Well, that's because I'm the strongest sorcerer you have, right? It makes sense." Gojo butted in, his hands in his pockets as he waited for their response.

"If you can't take care of him, we'll just have to find a way and do it ourselves."

His heart felt heavy at the thought. "No!" He exclaimed before composing himself. He cleared his throat.

"No. I can handle it. Just give me some time." He dug at his nails from inside his pockets with anxiety.

They all exchanged a glance and nodded, letting him off with a warning before they let him go.

He sighed with relief once he left the room, realizing his hands were trembling the whole time.

He clenched them for a moment before letting them rest. Take care of it? How? They wanted Gojo to kill him.

And he didn't have the heart to.

Geto wanted to earn Gojo's trust back. More than anything.

But his thoughts wouldn't give him a rest. He's been so used to killing, he's had an urge for it when he isn't occupied.

And he hated that. He hated what he had become. But it couldn't be helped.

What he is now cannot be changed. He is a murderer. That's the only thing he's come to known over the years.

He tried blocking out his intrusive thoughts, fidgeting with his hands on his couch. The twins were out, maybe going to get some snacks for themselves.

His hand twitched, ready to give in to his thoughts but he heard a knock at the door.

He opened it, not sure what to expect.

"I—Satoru? What are you—" he was slammed against the wall, confused.

He could feel the air leaving his body as he was being choked, unsure of why he was acting like this all of a sudden.

"Sa—s.." he choked out, unable to breathe. Gojo leaned in to whisper into his ear.

His grip softened. "We're faking your death."

What was he on about? Why would he—

"Don't ask questions. I'll answer them later. They're watching..." he spoke in a hushed tone.

Watching? Who? "That's not gonna work—" he was interrupted by another squeeze of his throat. It wasn't as rough as before.

"Put up a fight, would ya? Let's give em' a show." Gojo mused with a toothy grin.

A/N: sorry this is so short! I wanted to break up this scene into the next chapter.

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