Chapter 50

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"I wish I can accompany you, Sister Winter." Sister Theresa smiled warmly.

They were inside the public bus. Sister Theresa was assigned to the Rehabilitation center, and Sophia volunteered at Home for the aged. Contrary to widespread assumption, not all nuns were secluded. They were also permitted to travel outside for missionary work.

"Call me if you will require anything," Sister Theresa reminded her. She had dark brown hair and grey eyes. At the age of sixty, she looked younger with her warm personality. But right now, Sister Theresa couldn't help to worry because Winter would be alone for the first time. They exchanged places to serve; Sister Theresa was teaching Winter the directions.

"Thank you, Sister Theresa. Don't worry, I'll call you," she smiled at the older nun.

The nuns only carried the essential things, right now it would be practical and safe to use a cellphone outside, but they never use it whenever they were inside the monastery. They lived up with their vows. Chastity, poverty, and obedience had been their main devotions. Some of them rarely speak because they practiced the pledge of silence. A nun could not own things that define vanity. Winter's personal belongings were a rosary and a bible.

"I'll go ahead now, Sister Winter. God be with you." Sister Theresa stood from her seat when the bus pulled over.

"Take care, Sister Theresa, God be with you." Winter said with a warm smile. The older nun nodded and waved before getting off the bus.

New passengers came up, and an older man sat beside her. The driver went to the comfort room, allowing the vendors to sell some snacks inside the vehicle.

Winter focused her attention outside the window. She watched the passing cars and people walking down the street.

The sweet aroma of boiled corns, popcorn, flavored cheese, and milk candies covered the scent on the bus. When the driver returned, the vendors get off from the vehicle. The rumbling engine started to vibrate, and the smell of diesel dominated the air. The bus conductor turned on the stereo, letting the melodious voice of Karen Carpenter serenade their ears, "🎶Why do birds suddenly appear? Every time you are near? Just like me, they long to be close to you.🎶"

The bus started to move and went into the pattern with its usual stops and go. Winter looked at the power cables on the side of the road and watched the sparrows idly perching on the wires. She also saw a rainbow outlined in the clouds and couldn't help but draw a smile on her lips.

"🎶Why do stars fall down from the sky. Every time you walk by? Just like me, they long to be close to you.🎶"

Winter took her bible from the bag and began to read a page.

1 John 4:18-19 NIV 18 There is no fear of love. But perfect love drives out fear because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. 19 We love because he first loved us.

She smiled at the words while listening to the song. She pulled out her rosary to silently pray, but her thoughts were interrupted by the noise at the back. Two teenage girls were having a friendly banter. One of them had a booming voice; sometimes, she would hit the back of the seat to prove her point. The older man beside her was sleeping peacefully.

Once again, the passenger behind her released a burst of braying laughter like the sound of a donkey and with an open hand slamming the back of the chair. Winter slightly flinched in a surprise; the older man suddenly woke up in the middle of a snore. Winter released a sigh at the noise of the two teenagers. The older man went back to sleep again. She prepared her things when she could see the train station.

The bus slowed down near the train station. Winter prepared her belongings. The older man scooched from his seat to give way to her.

Loud, obnoxious teenagers yelled and laughed. The driver's assistant gritted his teeth in annoyance. "Hey! Lower down your voices!"

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