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As i walk though the large doors of my mansion i feel more and more scared. My husbands threat is not one i would ignore. When he told me i would be punished for talking to other men at the club last night i wouldn't dare think he would forget no matter how drunk he was.

I take off my heels and throw them on the couch and walk into the kitchen trying not to look terrified.

"Hey bunny." His dark voice sends shivers down my spine.

"Hi baby." I try to be as calm as i can.

He pours a drink for me and slides the glass across the counter.

"You look like you need one." He takes a sip of his drink but still keeps his dark eyes locked on me. He plastered his face with a sinister smirk and came closer to me as i took a sip of my drink.

He trailed his fingers up and down my back. He yanked my blazer of me gently and wrapped his arms around me. He pulled my hips backwards toward him and kissed my neck, gently sucking on my delicate skin. He slid his hand up my skirt and pushed aside my panties. He rubbed my cilt hard and i threw my head back into his shoulder.

"You think i forgot your punishment?"

"Please daddy. Don't do this." He scoffed at my almost crying voice.

He knows how much dominance he holds over me and he always uses that against me. I know better than to disobey him. But. Now i also know how hard his going to fuck me for being disobedient and dancing with other guys last night. I couldn't help that other men find me attractive.

He pulled my panties down and picked me up and put me on the counter. He pressed his lips against mine and forced his tongue into my mouth, tasting every bit of me. He pushed two fingers deep inside me while his thumb rubbs my cilt hard. I throw my arms around his neck and grab a fistfull of his soft delicate hair. I break the kiss before i suffocate. He wraps my legs around his waist and places his hands under my ass and picks me up.

He takes me to our bedroom where he puts me onto the bed and rips my shirt open. He kisses down my stomach and pulls of my skirt. He unhooks my bra exposing my full breasts to him. He lowered his head and sucked on my nipple hard.

He trails his wet kisses down my body and between my legs. He pushes his hot tongue deep in and out of me. I let out a small moan and grab his hair again.

"Enjoy this now bunny. Just wait until I'm inside you." i moaned and gripped his hair tighter and he continued to rub my clit hard.

"I'm gonna make you scream and beg me to stop." His words melted me. I so badly wanted to run as fast as i can away from him. But my body seemed paralysed and i could not move. His cold rings made me shiver at his every touch.

He lifted his head and pulled off his shirt and began to unbuckle his belt. He pulled of his pants and boxers in a quick movement. He turned me around on my knees and tied my hands behind my back with his belt. Without warning he pushed his whole length inside me.

I could feel him stretch my pussy. He pulled my hips back and banged into me with full force. With his every thrust i let out a loud groan. Banging me with his full length everytime. I could feel him get harder inside me for some reason. Lord knows how he manages to get even harder.

He keeps fucking me hard and fast.

"Pl-please da-d-daddy slow d-down."

"You want me to slow down bunny?"

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