Make me yours...

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This is a bit of a longer scene but i hope you guys like it.

Is it that wrong to be in love with your boss. So what if i mess up purposely just so i can hear the sweetness of his voice. Yes. Its sweet to me even when his angry.

"Audrey. Hello."

His eyes locked on mine snapped me out of my fantasies of him. I cleared my throat and straightened my posture trying my best not to look like a horny secretary for her boss.

"Ye-s yes sir."

"Are you leaving?" My eyes shoot up at the clock and i realised that i am totally late to meet up with my cousins.

"Shit. Yes i am leaving now. Bye Sir." I run off towards the elevator. When i get to the first floor i head out the door and half way into the street trying to stop a taxi.

"Hey Audrey!" I turn to see my boss in his red Ferrari. A devilish look plastered all over his face.

"Mr Grey?"

"Seems like you're in a hurry?"

"Yes. My cousin is waiting for me."

"Get in I'm taking you home."

"Oh. No thank you sir." I mind was reeling. I would love to be in his car with him. Alone.

"I'm not asking. I am telling now get in."

I got into the car trying not to look like i wanted to be in his car. The car ride was not as awkward as i pictured it to be. He made conversation about work and other stuff. Just as we were approaching my house he picked up his energy drink can and took a sip not watching the road he went over a speed bumb and split the drink all over himself.

"Fuck!" I held in my laughing trying not to erupt.

"Oh my word. Are you ok?" He pulled into my drive way and gave me a warm smile.

"Do you mind if i use your bathroom?"

"Of course. No problem." I can't belive that Mr Grey is gonna be in my house. With me. Alone...

I opened the door and directed him to the bathroom. My phone started ringing when i answered it. It was my cousin she cancelled cause she found a new sugar daddy. So i will be alone tonight. AGAIN! My life is so terrible.

"I apologise for this Audrey. I am taking so much of your time." I hear his scream from the bathroom. I walk towards the door and stand oppsite it leaning on the wall. He opens the door shirtless. He has his shirt in his hand as he exists the bathroom.

He has a perfectly tanned body with tight six pack abbs and a sexy v-line. His hair fell over his striking blue eyes. Fuck. How can a man look that good? I could feel myself getting wet.

"Sorry again." His apologetic eyes made me smile.

"Don't worry about it. My cousin cancelled our plans anyway."

"So you are alone tonight?" His had a sinister smirk on his face. And he came closer towards me trapping me between the wall and his bare chest.

"Yes. I am." I said trying to sound as seductive as i can. I look up at him and he locks eyes with me.

He pulled me towards him and lowered his lips interlocking them with mine. His kiss was deep and passionate. I put my arms around his neck and pulled him closer onto me. He picked me up and broke the kiss.

"Where is your room?"

"Over there." I tilted my head toward the room. He set me down on the bed and pulled of my skirt. He ripped open my shirt and started bitting down on my neck leaving red marks behind. He brings his lips to mine again and squeezes my boobs.

He stands up straight and looks down at me.

"Something wrong?" I bring my hand up to try and cover my body but he grabbs my hands and pinns them above my head.

"You are so fucken beautiful." His eyes travelled along my body eating me alive.

"From now on. You are mine."

"I'm all yours Mr Grey."

"Thats right babygirl."

He unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned his pants and dropped it down. The tent in his pants made me gasp. When he took of his boxers i got the shock of my life. How can someone be that long and so thick?

"Will it fit?"

"Nope. But i will make it fit." He winked at me and pulled of my lace panty and unhooked my bra leaving me just as naked as him.

He lowered his head and pushed his hot tongue deep in and out of me. I gripped the sheets and bucked my body up. I have never felt this good in a lomg time. He grabbed my hips and pushed me back onto the bed.

"Hold still baby." His hot breath sent shivers down my spine.

He pushed his long thick fingers deep inside me and curled them. He pumped his fingers with slow deep motions.

"Mhmmm....please sir. Give me more."
He scoffed and pulled his fingers out. He rubbed the tip of his dick in circles at my entrance. 

"You want this?"


Without warning he plunged into me hard. He grabbed a hold of my hips and banged me while holding me still. His thick cock stretched me and my pussy started to hurt. It didn't take long for my pussy to start getting tighter. At that point i knew i was close.

I knew he felt it but he only increased his speed. Forcing his full length deep in a out of me. He was so deep inside me i started seeing stars. He wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled me towards him pushing deeper into me.

"I'm gonna cum."

"Hold it." His voice was deep and commanding. I didn't want to cross him.

I tried my best to keep it in while he deep fucks my pussy. He pulls me into another kiss and pushes his tongue into my mouth. His tongue trailed my mouth tasting every bit of me.

He pulled his dick out and i gasped for breath.

"Touch yourself." He spread my legs open. And stared deep into my soul. I pushed one finger then two and starting finger fucking myself. I could feel my orgasm wanting to be released. I threw my head back and moaned loud as i pleased myself while he watched.

"Cum." I released. My liquids coated my fingers and ran down my thighs.

He ordered me to suck my fingers clean. While he dives back in for another taste of my now sweetened pussy. He deep fucked me with his tongue and drank all my juice.

"So sweet..."

I grabbed a fist full of his hair and pulled him closer into me.

After he had cleaned me. He made me sit on my knees in front of him.

"Suck." I obliged. I took half of his length in my mouth and it hit the back of my throat. I moved my head up and down slowly. My tongue licked him while i tried my get his dick in a comfortable position in my mouth.

He grabbed my hair and pushed his dick inside me mouth. He pushed in more than i can take. It made me gag.

He kept deep fucking my throat until i could taste the saltiness of his precum. I knew he was close. I wanted to taste him so fucken badly. He kept deep fucking my throat until he came.

"Swallow all of it." I swallowed all of his cum. A little leaked at the corners of my mouth. But i wiped it clean. I tried my best to clean of all the sperm that was on his dick. He picked me up and made me sit on his lap and kissed me deeply.

"You are fucken amazing." His comment made me blush. He forced his tongue back into my mouth tasting me. I pulled out and giggled at his attempts for a second round.

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