CHAPTER 11 - Revelations and Resentments

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     Levi was walking around the training grounds with Erwin, watching cadets make idiots of themselves. He occasionally barked an order or an insult at someone who particularly annoyed him, which was why cadets moved out of his way fearfully at the sight of him. He had been especially grumpy for the past few days.

     "I hope she didn't get to you," Erwin said casually.

     Levi looked at him and followed his gaze to Reinae, Aiden, and Jasper. Rei was showing Mila a proper fighting stance, often pinching the bridge of her nose, praying for patience.

     "Tch," Levi scoffed, knowing Erwin was referring to Reinae. "That brat's just annoying, that's all."

     "I thought you'd taken it to heart, her beating you," Erwin mused.

     Levi's frown deepened, and he glared at his commander.

     "Did you ever hear of the Agnar family before, Levi?" Erwin asked thoughtfully, returning his gaze to Reinae.

     "Was I supposed to?" the black-haired man barked.

     "There are a few families with powers similar to yours," Erwin said. Levi raised his eyebrows in question. "As far as I know, Reinae and Aiden are the only remaining descendants of Agnar's bloodline after their father's death."

     Levi looked at her and then at her brother.

     "So, what? You're saying she's stronger than me?"

     "She might be," Erwin said seriously, and Levi scoffed. "That's why I wanted her to join us. But it's not strength that passes down their family's bloodline. Some of their descendants seem to have a sixth sense."

     That got Levi's attention. He thought back to his first interaction with Reinae, which still gnawed at him – how did she know about Kenny?

     "Don't tell me they're telepathic or something?" he said sarcastically.

     "Not quite, but close," Erwin replied. "I don't fully understand Rei's power, but it might be a powerful weapon if we get her to master it."

     Levi narrowed his eyes at the commander.

     "Where are you going with this?"

     Erwin looked down at Levi and said with complete seriousness.

     "I'm going to put her on your squad, Levi. And I want you to mentor her."

     If Levi were capable of laughing at bad jokes, he would've been hysterical at that.

     "There's no fucking way," he snarled. "I don't want her anywhere near my squad."

     "It wasn't a request," Erwin retorted.

     Levi muttered a curse of frustration. He looked at the red-headed woman. He knew there was no denying her skill, but whenever she looked at him with those provocative green eyes, he wanted to throw her off Wall Maria. He sighed to himself, knowing he'd have to turn his nerves of steel into titanium.

     "I refuse," Reinae said, standing in Erwin's office alongside Jasper and Aiden

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     "I refuse," Reinae said, standing in Erwin's office alongside Jasper and Aiden.

     "I wasn't an option," Erwin replied, unwavering.

     She hissed under her breath. She looked at Levi, leaning against the wall, squeezing his jaw. Miche and Hange were standing beside him, the latter visibly disappointed.

     "Why him?" she asked, biting back curses.

     "He's humanity's strongest soldier," Erwin explained. "And therefore, the only suitable teacher for someone of your skill."

     "More like humanity's greatest pain in the ass," Reinae spat.

     Nerves of titanium, Levi reminded himself.

     "Behave," Erwin said, his tone losing its softness.

     She froze, slightly raising her eyebrows at Erwin. Aiden and Jasper visibly tensed.

     "Protective of your boyfriend, are we?" she said slowly, her own voice turning cold.

     Erwin sighed, looking down at his table. Miche twitched as if stopping himself from moving.

     "I'm your commander, Rei. Despite our history, I expect you to keep a level of professionalism."

     Reinae placed her hands on his table, leaning closer to Erwin's stoic face.

     "Which history, Erwin? The part where you fucked me or the part where you fucked me over?"

     Erwin's face became pale. Jasper and Aiden struggled to remain quiet, their blood boiling at the memories of Reinae's state when she returned to the underground. The atmosphere in the room became unbearable. Miche and Hange were at a loss for words, looking at their commander with surprised expressions. Even Levi reacted, his gaze somewhat confused as it darted between Erwin and Reinae.

     Erwin shifted uncomfortably in his seat. He struggled to maintain eye contact with her, not knowing if it was her words that affected him or the pain behind her anger.

     "Rei... "

     His voice was barely more than a whisper. He cleared his throat, not knowing how to handle the situation in front of his subordinates and Rei's bodyguards, who were ready to break his neck if he said something wrong. Miche exchanged a concerned glance with Hange, who had never witnessed this side of their commander. Levi, usually indifferent to such matters, couldn't help but feel uneasy about the situation. His gaze remained fixed on Rei, trying to decipher the complex emotions that played across her face.

     When Erwin finally breathed to say something, Rei stood straight, looking down at him with resentment.

     "Don't even bother." She turned on her heel and stopped before Levi. "Until tomorrow, Captain," she said sarcastically, marching out the door.

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