CHAPTER 5 - Oaths and Compromises

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     So much paperwork, Erwin thought to himself, brushing through the endless piles of papers. Most of them were records of the dead. He sighed, leaning back in his chair. He gazed over the room, the bookshelves, the sofa, the door leading to his bedroom, and the entrance to the hallway.

     He saw those doors open. And he saw a beautiful girl, entirely soaked with water, her shoulder-length red hair almost black from the rain. She said something, but he couldn't hear her. Then, as she grinned and showed him a bag of fresh bread, his mouth stretched into a smile.

     The sound of knocking made Erwin blink. Then, blink a couple more times. The girl was gone. The door was closed. And it was sunny outside. Someone knocked again, and Erwin slightly shook his head, brushing unwanted memories away.

     "Come in," he said, composing himself.

     Levi walked into the office with Miche by his side, one looking more serious than the other.

     "What is it?"

     "She came," Miche said. "The redhead. She's here."

     Erwin's mouth fell agape. He truly let go of any hope she'd show up since many months passed since his visit to the underground.

     "She's in the hallway. With two others. She says she's ready to talk," said Levi with a tone that clearly stated he'd rather be anywhere else. Erwin cleared his throat.

     "Well, bring her in," he ordered.

     As Levi rolled his eyes and turned to open the door, they flew open. Long, slender legs entered the room, followed by red hair flowing around stern green eyes. Reinae paid no attention to Levi or Miche. Jasper and Aiden followed her, the latter looking more intimidating than ever, sending murder looks to all, mostly Erwin.

     Reinae stopped before Erwin's desk. Her face was cold, hatred and resentment brewing beneath her focused stare.

     "Someone's impatient," Levi muttered, but Rei heard him perfectly clear. Before she could throw back a snarky remark, Erwin cleaned his throat.

     "Reinae," he said and met her stare. "I'm glad you decided to come."

     The red-haired woman only straightened her posture, looking down at where he was sitting. She was biting her tongue, remembering Jasper's words that begged her to be polite. But because she had nothing nice to say, a silence filled the room as they waited for her to speak.

     "Rei, we should leave while- "

     "Shut up, Aiden," she cut him off sternly, never breaking eye contact with the commander. Aiden huffed under his breath, visibly tense. He protested against coming until the very end and still had trouble accepting it.

     After a few glaring moments, the blonde man finally decided to speak.

     "So. You agree to my request?" Erwin asked calmly.

     Rei grimaced, clearly not liking even the sound of that.

     "I have conditions," she replied through a squeezed jaw. A smile tugged on Erwin's lips.

     "Of course you do."

     "First. Jasper and Aiden are coming with me."

     Erwin paused for a moment. He felt Levi's stare on him, clearly saying, 'Those two will bring even more trouble.'

     "Naturally," he replied, knowing there was no separating the trio.

     "Second. I want a monthly food supply delivered to the Ironhold district in the Underground City."

     A silence filled the room. Rei saw Erwin's hesitation and narrowed her eyes.

     "Why?" Levi asked before he could stop himself. He struggled to understand what was driving Reinae to care for that shithole.

     She looked at him, eyes cold.

     "I made a promise. I know that's probably not worth much up here, but it's all those people have."

     It was a surprisingly honest answer, which caught everyone off guard, even Rei herself.

     "We can arrange that," Erwin replied to her request.

     "Third," Rei said, turning back to Erwin. Her gaze hardened. "If you ever screw me over again, I won't blink before fulfilling my promise."

     Everyone in the room froze. Miche and Levi exchanged a confused look. Erwin's lips slightly twitched as if he was trying not to show the emotions Rei's words made him feel.

     "Noted," he said and smiled somewhat sadly. "Anything else?"

     "Yes," Rei answered. "Is Sam alive?"

     Erwin was shocked she remembered her sparring mate, a boy with a shy character and poor fighting skills. She often trained with him during their free time, helping him improve. Sadly, it was not enough to face a titan.

     The answer was written on Erwin's face. Rei's mouth thinned into a line, and she nodded. She turned to look at Jasper and Aiden. She raised her eyebrows, silently asking if they agreed. Jasper nodded, but Aiden was practically shaking from restraining from punching Erwin in the face right there and then.

     "Oi," Levi said and nodded toward Rei's brother. "That one looks like he'll murder us all in our sleep. How do we know he won't start trouble?"

     Aiden threateningly moved towards Levi, but Rei pushed him back into Jasper with a single hand.

     "Don't worry about them," she said with a smile that didn't reach her eyes. "I'll take responsibility for both. So you have only me to worry about."

     It sounded more of a threat than a consolation. Levi's cold eyes only narrowed. He hated how she looked at him as if she knew just how to annoy him and was planning on doing just that.

     "If that is all, please allow Miche to guide you to your rooms," Erwin interrupted Levi and Reinae's stare-off. "We'll call you for a meeting tomorrow after you're settled."

     Aiden shot him one last glare before turning to the door Miche was holding open. Jasper silently followed, nodding to Erwin and Levi as he left the room. And as Reinae walked out into the hallway, Erwin spoke again.

     "Thank you," was all he said, but it was honest. Reinae knew that as she looked at him.

     "Don't thank me. Try not to piss me off. Since I left the underground, I don't want to get my hands bloody for at least a week."

     With that, she left after Miche. Levi scoffed.

     "You invited that into the building where you sleep?" he asked with raised eyebrows. Erwin only sighed, massaging his temples.

     Despite knowing it wouldn't be easy overcoming the past, Erwin had no doubt that the decision he made about Reinae was nothing but right.

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