CHAPTER 15 - Fragments of Trust

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     When Wenzel Franklin disappeared, Reinae collapsed to the floor beside the wall. The burning in her chest was becoming unbearable. She managed to look up, her eyes meeting Levi's. He was looking at her with an unreadable expression. For some reason, the hint of sympathy in his eyes made her chest tighten even more.

     "Are you alright?" he asked, shifting uncomfortably as if not knowing if he should approach her.

     Erwin stepped closer. Levi had never seen him so worried.

     "Rei?" he called, extending his arm towards her, but she slapped it away.

     She crawled to her feet, leaning back onto the wall. Her chest was weaving uncontrollably, her throat closing up, her legs shaking.

     "Rei... " Erwin tried again, not knowing what to do, seeing her struggle.

     "I can't- " she gasped.

     She felt a hand grabbing her arm, leading her into a side ally. She heard Levi and Erwin talk but couldn't recognize the words. She was starting to hyperventilate.

     "Rei," a worried voice called to her.

     A hand fell onto her shoulder but she slapped it away again, not bearing to be touched. She started grabbing on her chest, tearing at the blouse she was wearing.

     "I can't breathe," she gasped. "I can't- I can't breathe."

     "Calm down, Rei."

     She tore off her shirt, pulling on the corset bra she was wearing. It wouldn't move, it suffocated her, she couldn't breathe.

     A pair of hands grabbed her, tearing the corset in half. Reinae breathed in heavily, trying to get some air into her lungs. She collapsed to the ground, hugging her body, trying to stop the uncontrollable shaking of her muscles.

     She looked up. A pair of pained, defeated blue eyes stared back at her. Despite it being the last face she wanted to see, she whispered'help me'. Erwin took off his jacket, wrapping it around her naked upper body, then hugged her tightly. He continued to hold her until the shaking stopped as she went limp in his arms, drifting into unconsciousness.

 He continued to hold her until the shaking stopped as she went limp in his arms, drifting into unconsciousness

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     When Reinae opened her eyes, it was already dawning. She was lying on a sofa in an unfamiliar room, covered with a jacket embroidered with the wings of freedom. Her head snapped in the direction of the sound of a chair squeaking. Erwin Smith was sitting on it, shifting towards her as he saw her awaken.

     Reinae tensed. Her mind flooded with the memories of the previous night. Anger and embarrassment grew with each moment she remembered. She cursed at herself for reacting so weakly, letting Levi and Erwin witness Wenzel's effect on her.

    "Charlotte allowed us to stay in her apartment until you wake up," Erwin explained quietly. She nodded slowly, avoiding eye contact.

     "Water?" Erwin asked, holding a glass.

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