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Some months had passed since Luna had declined Wallace's invitation to Hoenn. In the meantime, she had made all the preparations to travel to Unova, she was going to participate in the PWT after some time. It would be also a good opportunity to see her dear friend Roxie. When Luna travelled the Unova region during the Team Plasma ordeal they had grown into each other. A performer and a rockstar, a perfect pair.

Her flight left tomorrow, and Luna wanted to make sure everything was taken care of in Sinnoh while she was away. She drew the conference with the elite four to a close, giving her concluding notes.

"Relax Moonie. We can take care of everything!" Flint sat slouched on his chair, disinterested.

"Flint, seriously, it's the first time I leave Sinnoh since I became champion, if anything bad happens, they would take advantage of the fact I'm out of the region."

"Luna, don't mind Flint. We will be on alert" Bertha's soothing voice cut through the conference room. Luna smiled at the older woman and announced the meeting over.


Roxie had picked her up from Castelia city. And the immediately started north towards Nimbasa City. Apparently, Roxie had organized a pop-up show at the elekrik, a famous club in Nimbasa which used to be the old gym. They were going to perform some of the old songs they wrote together. Luna would never admit it but she was excited, ever since she became champion she barely had time to do anything she liked, nevermind travel and perform. The spring festival had been a bitch to organize but it turned it out even more incredible than she imagined. That is, before Steven Stone had ruined everything. Luna prayed he wouldn't be in Unova for the PWT.

Roxie practically bodyslammed her when she saw her.

"Heya Moon girl! Ugh it's been way too long! Congratulations on becoming champ, by the way. I know I'm like 6 months late but still." Roxie said, Luna laughed and hugged her tight.

Nimbasa city was relatively close to Castelia, they took the train and stepped out of the subway station in the centre of the city. Roxie had mentioned that they had early access to the Elekrik to practise their performances for tomorrow night.

"But we should go to the park first, the one outside the old gym, we have a TON to gossip about." Roxie laughed wholeheartedly as Luna groaned. The two made it to the park and sat down on a bench just past the ferris wheel. Luna neglected to mention her night with Steven at the spring festival. She couldn't bring herself to admit what happened, even if it hadn't been her fault. She was ashamed. But what she did say to Roxie was everything else about the festival, her job as champion, the Kalosian crisis, travelling with steven...

"Sounds like you have quite the crush on him." Luna whipped her head around.

"I do NOT have a crush on him." Luna hesitated and debated on telling Roxie what had happened between them, but then decided against it, it wasn't that she couldn't trust Roxie it was just...Steven and her were colleagues, it would be unprofessional to bad-mouth him.

"You so do. I can see it on your face." Roxie smirked. "You're in luck, Wallace and those weirdo Psychic twins are signed up to the PWT. Chances are Mr Stone is in Unova as well." Roxie burst out laughing looking at the look on Luna's face.

"You're kidding." Luna said lowly, "Please tell me you're kidding." Roxie smirked again, and patted her friend on the back.

"Come on, we'll be late for rehearsals if we keep gossiping away." She said as the two walked away from the ferris wheel and towards the Elektrik.


"Steeeeveeeen! I want to try the rides! Can we go now please!" Said Liza the twin psychic gym leader. Steven had his eyes fixed on the girls walking away from Nimbasa park as the ferris wheel was lowering to the ground.

Lotus and Stone (Steven Stone x OC)Where stories live. Discover now