11. Giratina and the new champion

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Once again, Luna couldn't sleep. She kept thinking about the vision she had and Giratina, and a thought popped into her head. What if she just went there to talk to Giratina? Her abilities enabled her to travel between her world and the distortion world. There was no way she'd get past Julia at this point because she was knitting in the living room. She'd have to sneak out directly from her room.

Quickly threw on some clothes and stood at the edge of her bed. Luna raised an arm and focused. A black dot in front of her grew, and grew, like some invasive fungus of darkness until it was her size. She hopped through the portal, Tofu and Batuffolo following suit.

The distortion world beneath twinleaf town was dark and full of tangled trees. She would have to trek until she found Giratina. Or until Giratina found her. she moved north, or at least, she thought it was north. In the distortion world directions were hard to tell. Places changed and moved, designed to disorient, and trap.

She called Giratina's name for hours and hours, She hadn't talked to it since the Kalos Crisis. But finally, she heard a low rumble.

Giratina's great black wings grew above her, she whirled around, and there it was. Giratina, in all its might and horror. It towered above her.

Welcome back child.

Luna gave a low bow. Not facing the thing.

you came.

"Yes. I came to understand the warning you gave me."

Here you will understand nothing.

A frown crossed Luna's face as she stood up, lost in it's dark stormy eyes.

You are in danger, child.

"Who is after me?"

The beast did not reply. It shook it's great wings and flew around her spot on the floating landmass, until it finally settled along with her on the ground, causing it to shake as it landed.

You cannot end it alone.

"What do I need to do?" the beast paused, it looked impatient, her questions were futile.

Your blessing from me is the only thing that will give you a chance. But it is not enough.

Luna decided to remain silent. Angering the pokemon was dangerous, far too great a risk.

Once the time is near, you must go to Turnback Cave, I shall await you.

Giratina was about to lift off, but it turned once more to face Luna. It's giant head came in close, she was face to face with the pokemon. She shakily raised an arm. Its forehead touched her palm for a second. And then it was gone. Luna stood still in the distortion world. Giratina wasn't much of a talker. In fact, that was the longest conversation she'd ever had with it. Turnback cave. What did it mean? He was going to await her? To do what? Would it battle alongside her?

Luna had more questions than she had started out with. And that was a big problem, but right now, she needed to get back home before it was morning. She opened up a portal and lept through.

She was spat out on the outskirts of Orenburg city. It was still dark out, thank Arceus. She quickly called out her driftblim and the champion was on her way back to twinleaf.


Luna came downstairs to the kitchen groggily. Julia was already dressed, Luna hadn't bothered to change out of her Grey sweatpants and pink hoodie. She rubbed her eyes sleepily. It was around 9 am.

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