9. The Elektrik and pizza

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Steven was furious with himself; he knew that simply apologizing wouldn't be enough and yet he was still disappointed with himself. The next day was the night of Luna's concert, Steven wanted to go, even just to get a glimpse of her, Roxie had given both him and Wallace backstage VIP tickets. But something told him Luna didn't want him there.

He contemplated what to do when there was a knock on his hotel room door. To his surprise, it was the twins, Tate and Liza.

"We came to help you." Tate said. "You seemed troubled at Luna's presence." Liza echoed.

"It's complicated." Steven said sitting at the desk with a groan.

"You did her wrong somehow and she refuses to forgive you." Liza said, "Is that not how it is?" Tate asked.

"Ok maybe it isn't complicated." Steven chuckled. "You two don't have to worry about me, I'll make it up to her somehow." Tate and Liza twirled, eyes sparkling as they guessed correctly.

"Perhaps you can make it up to her with a gesture of some kind." They said in unison.

"A gesture?" Steven echoed.

"Men sometimes buy flowers for the woman they love, do they not?" Tate laid a hand on his chin, while Steven nearly choked on his own saliva.

"I don't – Ok that's enough you two, what do you want." He grumbled.

"We came to help you." Liza said cryptically.

"Ok well I appreciate it, but I don't need your help. Aren't you two supposed to be training for the PWT?" the twins were already in the doorway; they turned to their champion and spoke one last time.

"A gesture." They said in unison before they disappeared down the hallway. And just as they were gone, Wallace appeared.

"How did it go last night?" He said grimly.

"Awful." Steven replied shortly. Wallace waited, expecting him to continue. "She said it was meaningless." He said, pain stiff in his voice.

"Was it?"

"No! of course not Wallace you know I-" Steven cut himself short and cleared his throat. "it was not meaningless, it just came in the wrong order." Steven corrected.

"Well how are you going to go forward with her then?" Wallace asked, taking a seat at the foot of his bed.

"I don't know. I need to make it up to her." Steven thought hard. "A gesture...."

"You could go back to Sinnoh and start over. When the tournament is over of course." Wallace said after a while of silence.

"Yeah but, she probably wants nothing to do with me."

"So what? You're just going to give up?"

"I don't know Wallace."


As nightfall came, Luna grew more and more anxious of her performance. Would he really come? It was the only thing that she thought over and over again. And sure enough, walking to her dressing room, she saw him and Wallace talking to Roxie.

"Oh Lune, these two were just telling me how they couldn't find you, they wanted to tell you something!" Roxie then casually opened the door to the dressing room and stepped in to change.

"We wanted to tell you good luck." Steven said with a soft smile. Arceus he looked good. He was wearing a grey button up with some semi-formal pants and a casual jacket over. Business Casual was the style. Wallace spoke while Luna was still in her daze, subtly checking Steven out.

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