17- Female Tobio

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Okay first off this Tobio is very innocent so if you lot try anything and I mean ANYTHING I will punish you lot, understood

Kei: Yes but you do know this still is not a TV show

Tooru: But I do agree Tobio-chan is very innocent after he have volleyball and milk in his head

Miwa: I can't deny that because its true Tobi loves volleyball after all but I do agree when we get back and if you try anything I will sangwoo you lot

Miwa no

Miwa: Miwa maybe

Miwa Kageyama

Miwa: Miwa no...

Good anyways let get it on shall we and also glad there's tissue here

Koushi: Wait why

The screen appears and it shows them Tobio wearing a shorts and tank top as she was with her big brother that look similar to Miwa who have ear piercing and a tattoo on his wrist that has his nitals and his little sister name on. "Why do I have come with you onii-san? Can't I just play volleyball."

Miwa look down at his little sister and chuckle at her pout "I don't want to leave my Imoto at home by herself. And why you don't hang out your dashing handsome big brother."

Tobio gives him a deadpan look not very amuse "But I can look after myself."

Miwa look at Tobio that saying 'Uh huh sure you can with what muscles.' Tobio knows what her brother is saying until she heard a couple who walks pass them as the guy whisper to his girlfriend "Can't wait to have fun with you my dear? Put my c--k inside you."

Tobio however was confuse as she tilt her head to the side wondering what is that guy saying as Tobio and Miwa come to the location which is a cat cafe as they got seat as Tobio frowns which Miwa asked "Whats wrong Tobio?"

"Onii-san what is c--k?"

The whole cafe gone very quiet of what Tobio said while the customer shiver to see dark aura coming from Miwa who look at his little sister in shock and want to beat up someone who said something they shouldn't as he take a deep breathe and reply "Uhh where did you hear this from?"

Tobio blue eyes look at the identcial to her big brother and said "We pass a couple the guy was whispering very loudly and its that guy." Tobio points at where the couple are as Miwa follows as it land it on the same couple near the door that they pass as Miwa smiles at his little sister as he plans a murder in his mind I mean have a chat.

"Tobio can you order this and that for me and you can order it yourself." Miwa said with a innocent smile on his face Tobio nodded as she gets up to go and order as Miwa saw that his little sister is safe at the till he then go to where the couple are as the female saw Miwa face and flinch a bit while the guy she dating is confuse as he turns and saw Miwa glare at him which makes the guy shiver down his spine.

"Umm m-may I help you." The guy stutter as Miwa grins sadicatally at him.

"May I talk to your boyfriend in private." Miwa said which the female nodded then leave as Miwa sits where the female sat and said "So a guy who thinks about sex and wanting to pleasure his girl. Not saying is wrong or anything but be mindful what you say from your disgusting mouth. You understand." Miwa finish as his dark aura disappear as he suddenly sit were he sat just in time for his sister to come.

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