25- Pirate Tobio

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Now time for Pirates to come take you adventures throughout the sea and find treasure but you lot will see what type of treasure it is.






Kei: OMG we get it shut up

Tetsuro: So mean Tsuki

Kei: Don't call me that

Ah here we go again the chaos

Everyone execpt the girls: ITS YOUR FAULT 

Wow rude much, blaming me for this. I guess you guys don't want to 

Koushi: Wait we sorry right everyone 

Mhm sure anyways 

The screen appear to reveal the dock where a village is residane where the govener Kageyama is located. But as it goes to the ocean as the young boy who in boat with his father who telling the men of sail and to watch out as well. Tobio blue eyes shine when in the ocean as he let out a small smile feeling the fresh air even the smell of the salt of water. Miwa saw her baby brother smile whose looking happy being in the ocean but keeping an eye out to make sure her brother won't fall off into the ocean.  

Until things turn out bad as the weather change distractly as Tobio and Miwa father shouted at his kid "You two get inside where its safe." 

Tobio nodded as he wobble to go to his sister as Miwa grab hold of rope and take Tobio hand and to go to the room soak from the rain as the waves getting stronger and heavier as Miwa holds Tobio close to her. 

"Tobi are you alright?"

Tobio reply "Yeah nee-san."

Miwa smile a little but then frown as she heard shouts worried for their father and the men, wondering if they be alright or not, whether they can make it out alive through this storm or not. But the boat get tilted into the water as Miwa eeys widen the tell Tobio "Tobio hurry!"

Tobio follow his sister as the boat tilted as Miwa push the door open as the water comes in as others try to find something to float on as Miwa gets on broken wood along with her brother.

Time skip since the inncident, sadly to say their father and few of the men pass away as Tobio and Miwa lost their other parent.

Now Miwa takes over to be governess for their village but for Tobio he was by the dock looking out towards the ocean as he hum remembers his mother voice singing when younger even his father teaching him how to navigate in the ocean and Miwa telling stories about priates, mermaids and other sea creatures that lurks in the ocean, Tobio wants to explore be free within the ocean.

Time goes by the villages goes under attack by pirates as Miwa hides Tobio in her closet as pirate came in as Tobio watch before his very eyes as tears falls down his cheek as he cover his mouth to hide the whimpers as the pirates said 'Where is it? The heart of the ocean.' 

Tobio heard his sister saying 'I won't tell you, you fools. Besides you ain't pirates your just one of those greedy bastards of dutch.'

One of the men shoot Miwa as Tobio blue eyes widen in fear and sadness, when the men leave and yes Miwa was right they don't act like pirates they are similar to Miwa and they want heart of the ocean and the only ones who knows is the Kageyamas, anyways as the men leaves the village as Tobio slowly get out and slowly go on his knees as he takes Miwa cold hands as tears falls. 

"Miwa....d-don't leave me...not you as well..." Tobio mumbles as tears still falls down onto Miwa cold dead body laying down. 

Tobio raise up as he decided he will kill them the goverment for taking his sister away, so he takes everything with him not before he dig up for his sister as he pray even the villages as it time to find a boat and start on his journey and maybe find the heart of the ocean along the way.

Time skip

Tobio on boat as he sigh as he navigate the way onto the next island and who knows who or what he will find there and maybe add companions on to his boat even have allies along the way because things going to change as Tobio look up ahead of the ocean the similar smell of the ocean and fresh air as he said "I hope you are watching over me..."

End of screen

Koushi: Omg that was so sad and thats how he become a pirate 

Tooru: That was amazing..I guess

Haijime: Sure keep telling yourself that 

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