Chapter. 2

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5:52 PM on main hallway wall clock, G.O.R.E security team came down along with sanitizing crew to close today's shift. This was of a routine protocol. Security team came down and escort everyone out under their supervision. The sanitizing crew checks and clean doors and equipment at every day end. This protocol was initiated when an outsider caught with some radioactive material. He was from one of the hot zones near sector A009. The authorities hand him over to U.P.E on the very same day. According to G.O.R.E authorities anything, living or nonliving from hot zone can cause serious health issues. The free territory near the hot zones, were marked as Freeland. If someone came in contact, or found carrying any hazardous material they will be exiled to Freeland. Resistance is futile. Breaching the security protocol will result in execution sentence on the spot.

Remesh was still sitting inside his lab, watching everything from glass walls around him. The U.P.E team covering every door. Sanitizing crew checking each and every one for any kind of radioactive signatures. After that they go into elevator down the hall. Remesh saw Bronson was coming towards him along with a female from sanitizing crew. Bronson, he led this unit. He was not as heavy as his name was. He look broad may be its uniform with all those safety gears he was wearing. Along with specialize military haircut and a hillbilly blood inside him. That could be one of a reason, but he never tried to a bully.

Remesh was anticipating some questions. He can read those on Bronson's face the way he was looking at him standing outside the door. Bronson waits for few seconds. He noticed that Remesh was not packing his stuff like he always do before leaving the lab. Bronson stretches his Key card hang from his waist belt, and swipe it in the door lock. The door open and Bronson steps in.

"Work time is over," Bronson said, "we ain't got whole day."

"I need to finish and submit this work today," Remesh replied.

"You know the rules Mr. Gowda," said Bronson.

"I have a permission," Remesh replied. "Mr. Clifford came earlier this evening and he allowed me to work in late hours."

Bronson looks into the eyes of Remesh, trying to catch either he was bluffing or telling the truth. Remesh looks composed and calm, waiting for Bronson's response.

"Very well Mr. Gowday," Bronson said, "I'll call Mr. Clifford for confirmations, till then you can proceed."

Bronson closes the door and put security code on the lock outside the door. Remesh knows what that was about. Bronson lock him in so that if Remesh was bluffing than he can caught him red handedly. Remesh's security key card was temporarily disabled for all the doors of lab.

After an hour the floor was completely empty, all lights were turned off, except of Remesh's lab. Remesh was still thinking about his family. May be tomorrow or day after they will be transfered to any of the sectors nearby to work as a labor unit.

A loud squeak of rat breaks Remesh deep thoughts. He stands up and dashes towards the cages. The cage was rattling, the rat inside was hitting his head on the walls. It was trying to suicide. There was blood on cage floor and on cage walls. The rat's head was covered in blood. It was not the result Remesh was accepting, he had no clue about what was going on. He look into the cage S018 the rat inside that cage was also injured.

Remesh go to the overhead camera. He stops the recording ejects the memory card and bring it back to the lap top to see the video recording. He set video player software to play it two time faster. In the recording rat was continues to sleep on the same position. It was laying still. Remesh noticed some kind of a seizure, rat body shivers. Remesh slowly the playing speed, he noticed there were multiple seizure. Then after few minutes it woke up and starts to crawl in the cage. It looks dizzy and the movements were slow. After in few minute the behavior rapidly became more aggressive. It started to run inside the cage, and hitting the walls with its head. It grabs the tail of rat in S018, and start biting it. Remesh watch it closely, by zooming in, S019 was not biting on the tail, and it was actually eating it. S018 rat struggling to save itself from S019 rat. S019 grabs one of the hind limbs and start chewing it till it breaks off from S018 body.

The cage rattling was stopped. Remesh pause the video and turn around. He walk close to the cages, he look into the cage S019, and the rat was lying near the cage door, not breathing, not moving at all. Remesh carefully look inside and check for some clues. He noticed that only the door of the cage was covered with blood. It was only hitting the door, its not a suicide attempt. The rat was try to break free. But how it knows that exact position of the cage's door? All the walls look same once the door is closed. Remesh's was sure now that he made the biggest blunder. This mishap cause him exile to Freeland along with his family.

Remesh walking back and forth in the lab. Revising all the steps of composition. He walked towards the whiteboard. Check all the figure and calculation, still he found nothing. Remesh look back towarss the cage S019, he thought to conduct a blood test from S019. He grabs a sampling needle and go near the cage. He taps on the wall on of cage, make sure he was dead. He slowly opens the door and hold it open with his left hand and insert the needle gently into rat's neck. Remesh slowly pulling the slider two fill it up. His heart was thumping like it's going to bust out of his chest. Rremesh was scared, this rat could attack on him as it did on S018. The needle filled with required amount of blood test. He pulled out his hand from the cage and close the door and locked it.

Remesh dashes back to the electron scope desk, grabs sample slide box from the shelf above the desk. He drops a small bead of blood from the sampling needle onto the slide, and put it under the electron microscope. He switch it to zoom level five to see the molecular structure of blood sample. A strange kind of figures along with pro bacteria appeared on monitor screen. The foreign entity latched onto the the pro-bacteria. The bacteria look fully under its controlled. Not even immune cells were engaging this entity. They were all floating inside together. The entity was invisible to all other cells. There is no sign of active anti bodies, most of them look mutated. They were covered in some kind of new grown spores.

Remesh was never this confused in his life as right now by looking at the monitor, not even on the first day of this job. How it happened? This was the question he need to find the answer right now. It has to be logical enough to lead him towards some kind of solution to suggest. His job is to create enzimes that help human immune system against radioactive diseases. This thing he witnessed itself was some kind of a new infectious disease. Remesh was shuffling all the cards inside his head. He was trying to remember what went wrong in composition phase.

While remesh was still focused on the monitor, the hallway lights turns on. He saw Bronson with two gaurds along with one of the men in lab coat. The same man visited him earilier today with Mr. Clifford were coming towards him. Remesh rushes towards his laptop to ejects the memory card. It holds S019 case all recording. He hide it into the coin pocket of his jeans before anyone could notice it.

Bronson opens the door, and steps in. his eyes were telling everything that he knows that remesh was upto to something.

"Mr. Clifford said you were only permitted to sit here till day end," said Bronson. "You lied about working late hours."

"I had to see the results, there was a mistake I need time to find its solution," Remesh replied.

Bronson steps forward and grab Remesh's left arm with a firm grip. Remesh can feel his anger through his grip.

"There are no exception for anyone," said Bronson.

"You don't have to do this with him," said the man in Lab coat.

He steps forward and taps on Bronson's hand once. Remesh looks towards his face. The Dutchman was clean shaved with a perfect army official haircut. A sleek prescription specs covering his grey aged eyes. Then his attention fell on the left breast of this man. There was a Rosharps official badge pinned on it that reads Dr. Wes Kemp. Remesh saw this badge before, its same badge as of Mr. Clifford use to have.

"We still need Mr. Gowda. Indeed he is a valuable assets for Rosharps," said Dr. Wes Kemp. "Please escort Mr. Gowda to isolation cell, we have so much to discuss with him."

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