Chapter. 7

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A bullet through heart or head that was Jacob expecting when he saw some red dots on this shirt. He suppose to be dead right now, but sitting on the floor of an empty cell with glass wall and an airlock door in front of him. There was a guard standing on the other side of the glass, face toward Jacob.

He was wearing standard U.P.E gear, full black, ballistic helmet with integrated head protection system, eye protection, face mask, a torso protection vest with ballistic plates and damage sensor, elbow and knee pads with tactical combat boat. He was holding an assault rifle on chest and there was a hand gun holstered on left side of his belt.

Five years ago this place was state of art research center, Jacob has seen picture on Arcane, and he wasn't expecting this level of security force deployed in here. But there were bigger things to worry about. Why he was still breathing and second what happen to that man in the basement.

One of Sargent come from the left, the guard saluted, Sargent walked into the cell, and he was heavy with stiff facial features. He was scrolling his eyes on Jacob.

"You civilian, on you feet," Sargent commanded.

Jacob quickly stands on the spot where he was sitting, he noticed that Sargent don't like civilian interference in their jobs, they considered civilian a burden which they were carrying for last fifteen years. Jacob was expecting a welcoming slap, or a punch in the gut with sledge hammer size fist, but it didn't happen. The Sargent grab Jacob from the elbow and drag him out of the cell. For a moment Jacob thought he should resist, and run away but the problem was obvious that he didn't know where to go, this was the first time he was in this building, every corridor look same, it's like a puzzle of glass doors, there was a surveillance camera in every corner.

Sargent and Jacob took few turns and reached a door. Sargent palmed scan his ID, the door unlocks, he took Jacob inside. It was an office, the interiors were white, matted Grey tiles on the floor, and a white 8x3 working desk setup with a sleek desktop computer, there was a white chair behind the desk. The wall behind the desk was full glass, and there was a smell of orchids in the room. Jacob knows this smell, it was same fragrance that usually raised from Zoey's notebook.

The front door unlocked one more time, Jacob turned back toward it, Harrison Clifford enters into the room. Clifford walked passed him toward the chair and sat on it. He gazed Jacob and then commanded the Sargent.

"Leave us."

The Sargent nodded in agreement and go out of the office. They both were looking at each other. No words exchanged for few seconds.

"What were you doing here?" asked Clifford.

"Looking for the story," Jacob replied.

"What kind of story?"

"The usual, U.P.E versus Freeland dwellers."

Jacob knows Clifford didn't but it; Clifford don't like him since the day he found his daughter was hanging around with him but he never asked her to stop going out with him since Clifford knows that Jacob was one of the bright students in the college he can be an asset of Rosharps someday.

"Let me rephrase it for you," said Clifford, "why did you trespassed in a government facility?"

Jacob knows that he can't stretch it further, since he was on his grounds, and they caught him trespassing, now it's legal to either shot him down right away or through him in Freeland.

"Mr. Clifford, Sir I saw that news on TV so I thought I should come here and find something extra related to this news which I can sold to my agency," said Jacob.

Clifford stand-up from his chair and walked near the Jacob, he look unconvinced from Jacob's answer.

"At what price?" asked Clifford, "they can shot you on spot did you know that?"

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