Refiring Romance

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It has been three months since Karishma was transferred to Jankipuram Thana. Bulbul Pandey was accused of some illegal activities and a departmental inquiry was set on him. As Karishma had handled the Jankipuram Thana efficiently during lockdown when Bulbul Pandey was diagnosed with COVID-19, the DSP recommended Karishma to handle the post of the SHO of that thana. It was supposed to be for some weeks but the inquiry was still ongoing. As Bulbul was suspended, Karishma had to perform her duty as the SHO of Jankipuram Thana as per the official letter she received that said she has to take care of the thana till Bulbul gets a clean chit or another officer attends the duty. So now Karishma was extra busy as her workplace was far from her home and she had extra workload because of the pending cases and solving the chaos Bulbul created in that area. Though Champak, Rajveer and other staffs were very supportive this time but the workload had no sign to decrease. It was almost 9 pm everyday when she could return home. 

But what bothered both Karishma and Haseena is that they had been spending less time together as their workplace was different now. Karishma was always angry and annoyed as she could not see Haseena all day long and otherside Haseena was missing their cute debate sessions and the sneaky romance Karishma used to do every now and then. Other MPT members also missed Karishma badly. And Karishma was no less, she comes almost every week in the thana and spends time with everyone and enjoys her personal moments with her beloved, but it was much less than enough for her.

Some more days have passed like this. Haseena was standing in front of the wet window and witnessing the night rain. There was no more busyness today. Although the last few days have been extremely busy for solving a case, today the case was solved so there was no worries, no rush. After completing her duty hours of the day, she entered home at 6. Though Santu and Pushpaji insisted her to watch a movie with them but she refused saying that she was tired and went to her room. She slept for a few hours. Rather than being happy for solving the twisted case, she was sad for the lack of Karishma's warmth. Karishma barely stayed at home for several days. Haseena sometimes does not even understand when she returns at night or goes to her duty in the morning. For the last few weeks at least Karishma gave her time. This time there was no conversation. Karishma was always hustling and busy. She was missing her Krishu badly who did not leave her even for a second and always clinged to her. She sat by the window for some time and was remembering their sweet moments. How Karishma cared for her and always stayed by her side, how Karishma always finds new ways of loving her, how Karishma gets wild during their love making and how sometimes she herself becomes a bold lioness and how Karishma enjoys her boldness. A sweet and satisfied smile lingered on her face. She sprawled on the bed and waited for Karishma to arrive home.

On the other hand, Karishma was planning to attack a gang hiding in a closed factory far from the city with her team today. Monitoring has been going on all day for the last 6 days, raid was planned to be at midnight. A special team was formed to destroy this international women and drug trafficking gang. They have successfully collected all the evidence in the last two-three weeks. A total of five teams have been working simultaneously. Everything is handled from behind by Karishma and her team. Each member's dedication and Karishma's wit and bhowkal is proven to be the key to success.

Though engrossed in work Karishma was thinking about Haseena. She knows that today Haseena will be sitting with swollen cheeks and she was trying to wrap up the raid and remaining tasks as early as possible . But she had nothing to do. This would take time to complete. Sadness happens here too, but it remains hidden under the weight of responsibility.

The suburbs have become slightly waterlogged, the rain has not lessened till then. It's almost 2 o'clock in the morning and Haseena is still sitting in her room waiting for Karishma to return home. Observing the situation outside, she is also worried for Karishma. She has not seen her from the day before yesterday, Karishma returned after she was asleep and again went out before she woke up. She was so gloomy not being able to see her wife and savor her presence. Even today, while the whole city and roads are deserted in such cozy and romantic weather, where one does not want to leave the house, there is no sign of Karishma to return home. And Haseena is sitting frustrated and pensively with no sleep in her eyes waiting for her lover and missing her warmth, waiting to spend some time with her Krishu.

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