Minor inconvenience

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Smg4 wakes up and can't move. He knows exactly what happens next, but as he looks around him and ignores the big dark figure at the corner of his eyes, he realizes it's still pretty dark and he could probably get away with sleeping for a few more hours. He closes his eyes again and sleeps, not even bothered by the demon staring at him, after all he knows it can't hurt him, as he falls asleep he can almost swear he heard someone saying "Not again come on..." But he doesn't care enough to look for the source.

The next time it happens smg4 wakes up to the demon on top of him trying to choke him, but it was doing it wrong and instead it was just pushing smg4's chest and making him kinda uncomfortable, he also can't fall asleep because of the uncomfortable position his arm is in, when the sleep paralysis ends he adjusts himself and goes immediately back to sleep, unfazed by the events.

This happens many times after and none of them are scary, at this point these events are a part of smg4's routine, every few days he'll have one of those, it doesn't even bother him anymore, he uses it as an excuse to sleep more.

Smg4 pov
"Remember..." The demon said, it had become more talkative ever since it realized i wasn't scared of it.

I can't talk but i can communicate with it if i think real hard about something, but right now i don't feel like it. I learned quite a feel things about this demon, first thing is, it likes being cryptic and making me confused, second thing is, it talks a lot, one could easily mistake it for a Disney villain when it starts one of its monologues, thankfully the sleep paralysis normally ends before it can finish it's monologue.

"you will pay for..." And there it goes for one of its monologues, i don't even pay attention when it starts, it's not worth it, but thank god the sleep paralysis ends and i get to finally start my day.

When i walk out i see Mario with a magic rock??
Mario: hey smg4 look at what Mario got.

Smg4: it's a rock with a wizard hat

Mario: more than that it can grant wishes, i got 2 already and i wanted to give you one.

Smg4:Oh that's suspiciously nice of you, certainly nothing bad can come from this

Rock: tell me what you want already, i have things to do and can't stay here all day.

Smg4: Hmmm i want to be... IMORTAL

Rock: I can't grant impossible wishes, ask for something achievable

Mario: dumb rules stopping Mario from having infinite spaghetti

Smg4: I wish for my community to stop fighting and just enjoy my videos

Rock: again i can't do the impossible

Smg4: fine... I want to... Never have sleep paralysis again

Rock: ok done, bye.
The rock disappears, and i start to wonder if maybe i could have used that wish for something more useful, but now it's too late.

Somewhere in the internet graveyard

Smg3 pops into existence
"The fuck?"

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