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Smg4 was having a good evening in the park, he enjoys the cold breeze and walks around calmly, until he realizes he left Mario alone for too long. It doesn't take long for Smg4 to hear an explosion, he sighs knowing too well who is behind it. Smg4 prepares his camera as he walks towards the sound.

There Smg4 sees Mario being chased by a gang of angry memes, he grabs Mario and they run from the memes.

"How did you anger all of them so quickly?" Smg4 asks.

"They said my hat looked bad so i had to burn their houses as retaliation" Mario says as if it was a completely normal sentence.

"Yes of course you did" Smg4 says, tired of Mario's bullshit.

In their desperate attempts to escape the memes, they turn in every corner they see. Unfortunately they hit a dead end and are then surrounded.

They try to escalate the walls but fail, the memes begin to close in on them and bring out their weapons. Mario BLJs out of there leaving Smg4 to deal with the issue.

Smg4 looks at the memes and sees a point where he could easily hit everyone with a bomb without any backlash, he searches though his things but remembers he doesn't carry any bombs. Why would he be thinking about bombs? he never used them.

He feels his hand being encompasses by a familiar power, Smg4 recognizes it as meme energy, he uses it and transforms one of the memes into a bomb and throws it at the spot he had seen before. The bomb explodes and the other memes fly away, Mario hears this from the other side and BLJs back to Smg4.

"Uuuuuuuu didn't you have to hold hands with your boyfriend to do that?!" Mario asks curiously seeing the power in Smg4's hand.

"I guess i can do that without him now" Smg4 says confused, then quickly adds at the end "and also he is not my boyfriend"

Smg4 escorts Mario back to the castle but the Italian refuses to collaborate, claiming that he hasn't had enough spaghetti and therefore cannot go to sleep. Smg4 isn't happy at Mario's stubbornness.

"Look i really need to edit this video so just go to sleep already" Smg4 says.

"But Mario isn't tired yet it's just 12 am i want my spaghetti" Mario begs with his eyes watery.

"I feel like if a have to deal with any more of your bullshit today I'll end up stabbing someone, go ask Meggy or someone else for spaghetti" Smg4 says uncharacteristically angry.

Mario leaves reluctantly, he knows that when Smg4 is in one of his moods he better leave or he'll just anger the man more, that doesn't mean Mario isn't sad to leave. He enjoys Smg4's company, after all they are best friends, but the man can be kind of a jerk when he's angry.

With Mario gone Smg4 shuts himself in his room and works on his video up until 5 am, where he begins to think he might need to sleep, but is interrupted by someone knocking at the castle's door.

Who in their right mind would be awake at this time and decide to come to the castle? Smg4 thinks it's Mario and ignores it at first, but the person keeps knocking so Smg4 goes to check.

"You don't know the way" a small meme says desperately just as Smg4 opens the door. He recognizes the meme as Terrance.

"I don't understa..." Smg4 begins but is interrupted by Terrance.

"You don't know. the. WAY" Terrance says intensely. And repeats again moving it's arms trying to gesture "THE WAY"

"I really don't understand what you are saying" Smg4 says and the meme begins looking disappointed.

"if Smg3 were here maybe he could translate" Smg4 says thoughtful. The meme looks back at him and begins to gesture desperately again, Smg4 still can't figure out what it means but for some reason he thinks it has something to do with a joke about nuclear weapons. But that doesn't make any sense, so he ignores the thoughts.

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