Not alone

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"I told you that you could do it" Smg4 told the ancient meme in front of him.

"I still think that you should speak with him, just maybe not now" the ancient meme replied.

"If you think that'll keep him from trying to kill me, than sure i'll try" smg4 looks at his phone "well looks like my time is up, i gotta go make videos now. Bye"

The ancient meme looks at smg3 in the distance talking to some dead memes, smg4 was correct talking to 3 did work and they only needed to bug the man for a bit, but it's still not enough, the man still has issues working with groups of people, and also still holds a huge grudge on 4. Smg3 is doing progress but it is slow, maybe he could speed things up a bit he thinks looking at the Uganda knuckles with a top hat.

Smg3 was trying to make the savage memes stop fighting among themselves, he wasn't very successful so far, but at least he managed to take the weapons away from them. He feels something touching his leg and when he looks down he sees a Uganda knuckles with a top hat, it would have been adorable if smg3 wasn't extremely frustrated with the situation he is in. So he just ignores the cute creature and goes back to separate the fighting memes.

The memes stop fighting, smg3 thinks he finally managed to control the situation, until they start to attack him instead. Well at least they settled their differences and are working together... To try and kill smg3, still progress none the less.

The Uganda knuckles puts itself in-between the vicious memes and smg3, it starts to speak "you don't know the wae" from what smg3 knows of their language it must mean something between the lines of "stop attacking" or maybe it said "use nuclear weaponry" Smg3 isn't very sure which one it really said.

Smg3 uses the distraction to get out of there, he doesn't plan to become dead meme dinner. And besides he did technically make the memes settle their differences, so his job was done there. He now only needs to deal with the Uganda knuckles tribe, they are a pretty big tribe and also pretty unpredictable, which makes dealing with them a headache.

There he actually has civilized negotiations for once, which is a nice change of pace. At first they are reluctant at the task smg3 wants to give them but in the end of negotiations they are at least willing to try. But as their price They requested something from him, they require a specific item held by another dead meme tribe, and Smg3 has to get that.

Of course Smg3 accepts the deal but he has no idea how to get there without being noticed by the dead memes, and if he is seen he'll probably be killed. He starts to get worried when he again sees the Uganda knuckles from before, it grabs at his leg like a little child asking him to follow it, Smg3 can't help but obey.

It leads him to a secret passage, he goes in and finds himself inside the cave where the supposed item should be. He looks around and finds it, but not before one of the dead memes there notices him, he grabs the item and the Uganda knuckles and leaves quickly.

He is glad the memes gave up on chasing him because he felt as if he was going to collapse if he ran any longer, he looks at the Uganda knuckles that helped him and puts it back down.

He is glad the memes gave up on chasing him because he felt as if he was going to collapse if he ran any longer, he looks at the Uganda knuckles that helped him and puts it back down

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"Thanks little guy" Smg3 said to it before going to deliver the item.

The Uganda knuckles follows him and makes those mouth sounds, it translates somewhere close between "that was fun" or "that was dumb" Smg3 kinda agrees with both translations.

On their way back they talk a lot and Smg3 learns that the Uganda knuckles name is Terrance. When Smg3 finally delivers the item and the other Uganda knuckles unwraps it he learns it was just a sandwich. Even though he is mad at least the knuckles agreed to do their part of the deal.

On the walk back to the Starbucks Smg3 and Terrance complain about the fact the other memes held a sandwich in a dark, cold, wet cave, it surely must be soggy and taste terrible.

Getting inside smg3 drops on the first chair he sees, and Terrance explores the place.

"This the wae?" Terrance asks, meaning "what is this?" Smg3 looks tiredly at Terrance, not really willing to get out of the chair but he jumps out of it when he sees Terrance holding his super secret notebook.

"Uhm it's nothing.." he says picking the book from Terrance and putting it on a very tall shelf.

"You know the wae" Terrance says, meaning "insufficient amount of nuclear weaponry" Smg3 is about to agree until Terrance adds the clicking mouth sounds that changes the translation of the sentence to "a Uganda knuckles i know has a book too, he writes bad things about everyone he knows"

"If it makes you feel better i only write bad things about one person" smg3 replies, Terrance looks curiously at him. "You see, he is a very mean, stupid and ugly idiot, if i could i would kill him but since i can't" he says looking back at the book "i draw all the terrible ways i would kill him in" smg3 finishes smiling maniacally.

Terrance goes up to smg3 and hugs his leg, 3 is surprised by this action and stays still looking at the meme.

"Know the wae" Terrance says looking up at 3, it means "if the man bothers you maybe you could try drawing nice things instead" although it could also mean "you are gay" but smg3 is pretty sure it's the first option.

"I think you're right, the idiot doesn't deserve my time and much less any of my drawings" he says picking Terrance up and hugging him back.

"I think you're right, the idiot doesn't deserve my time and much less any of my drawings" he says picking Terrance up and hugging him back

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Smg3 changed in appearance again, he can't say he'll miss looking like a monster but he is still far from human.

He and Terrance talk for the rest of the day.

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