Oh boy.

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Mama J POV
Tina and I keep trying to kick our way out of this trunk. All I can think about is whoever now has Royalty and praying to God she's ok. We were knocked on the head and thrown in here. But I was dragged when Tina went to look out into the porch and couldn't yell bc of a cloth places over my mouth. My memory is a little fuzzy of how we got in here.
Beys POV
I made eye contact with someone in a ski mask dressed in all black and he runs downstairs. Chris looks where I do and he chases him. I try and get up out of the bed but Chris put it down so damn good, I can barely stand and put a robe on. But my baby life on the line and I think someone got out mommas and baby. I jog with adrenaline and hear gun shots outside. Fuck! I hurry with my phone in my hand calling 911. I get outside and see Chris laying in the front yard shot and the other guy running shot in the leg but still running off. The hell is the guy Superman or something?I get to Chris and I grab the gun from his hand and shoot the guy in the arm and then the gun gets. Jammed. The guy is still running off but hurt. He gets too far away and takes off in a familiar looking lambo. I run back to Chris who's on the ground hurt. I get on my knees and help him up. I talk to 911 and call them over and text Michael to get his ass over here. We sit in the covered porch and my poor baby. He was shot in the upper corner of his chest. I get whatever gauze and medical supplies I can and run back and take care of his wound.
Bey: you're gonna be ok baby *finishes up patching wound*
Chris: owww! Fuck!
Bey: ambulance will be here in 5 minutes and so will Michael. Turns out, he dosent live to far away. I'm gonna call our mommas
Chris: Bey I think who ever this is got them. And was watching us. *wincing in pain*
I call them and both of them went straight to voicemail. Fuck, I think he may be right. Would explain the bracelet and why they ain't pickin up. I feel like imma faint. This is all too much! Luckily, police ambulance my sister, my step father, and Michael show up. They take care of Chris right away and my father Julius and Michael give us a hug. Damn, rains even harder. We explain everything to everyone and Micchael had an aha moment.
Michael: where's y'all phone?! We can track where they at!
Chris: we don't have share location on.
Michael: oh yes they do.
Michael takes my phone and apparently he's a tech wizard. And finds the location in minutes.
Michael: looks like they're at shell gas station! Off route 95 8 miles away! Let's move everyone! You guys stay h-
B&C: hell no!
Chris: they got our baby and our mommas.
Michael: Chris; you've been shot. And Beyoncé, I don't wanna risk you either. I want y'all to hang here with -
Bey: *laughs psychotically* lemme be a damsel in distress! FUCK THAT! Ya talkin to bosses. We finna follow y'all ass to there and beat the shit outta whoever this fucked up perverted fuckin hatin ass demon is. And I ain't finna take no for an answer whether y'all arrest us or not!
Everyone looks shocked even Chris.
Michael: *sighs* against my better judgement. You two are two are to follow us but behind officer Carl here. He'll be last in line and I want y'all behind him. Then Chris, you're going to the hospital afterwards whether ya like it or not. Luckily, the bullet wasn't big.
C&B: fine.
We hurry into the car and Chris gets in passenger side. We take his fastest lambo and follow everyone.
Bey: baby you feelin ok?
Chris: I'm pissed scared and as far as pain from bullet, it feels like a shell. A warning shot.
Bey: so wasn't a real kinda bullet
Chris: it's kinda hard to explain but it's not a real bullet but is at the same time. It's a warning bullet. Stil fucked up tho. I'm glad they took it out and bandage tho.
Bey: thank god. Cause I aint losin you again.*wipes silent tears* I'm sure this the same fucker that put ya in a coma.
Momma J POV
The car finally stops and I feel some sort of latch behind us. It's behind the seats. I hear whoever it is get out of the car and leave. I wait a minute and then keep playin with this button or latch. All of a sudden, it goes down and yes! I see Royalty looking around then we make eye contact. She's been surprisingly quiet I guess. I spit our phones in the arm rest.
Joyce: *whispers* Tina! Our phones. We in the gas station. You're skinny enough, can ya reach?
Tina: great job Sister! Yea lemme try.
The middle seat part is down so mama tries hurrying and reaches for her phone when all of a sudden, she yelps and we hear the guy scream no! Shit!
Michael POV
We race down the road and I can see the gas station. The cop I'm with is flooring it and we finally pull up to the car and see the guy reach for the trunk. Damn this place desserted. I was hoping for witnesses. We get out and so does police cars behind us and point our guns
Michael: *points gun* HANDS UP!

 We get out and so does police cars behind us and point our gunsMichael: *points gun* HANDS UP!

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The guy turns around and is in black ski mask and all black outfit. He chuckles, slowly turns around with something in his hand. He suddenly throws it twoards the crowd of us and SHIT! ITS A GRENADE!! We all bolt away from it and it explodes. Just missing the gas station. Luckily, everyone got far away enough in time. Once the smoke clears, we look and see the guy gone but Tina and Joyce get out of the trunk. We run twoards them and Tina goes in the back seat and gets Royalty out. Thank god they all ok. Bey and Chris somehow get to them before we do. They all hug and our force scavengers the whole area. I wanna get Bey and her family outta here tho. I have a feeling, she's the next target after Chris.

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