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Beys POV
Art: Hold on man
Art is doing chest compressions and I hold his head in my lap as I'm on my knees.
Bey: baby, please wake up. Chris please!
The paramedics came up and moved us out of the way. They used AED, everything on him. I try pushing past paramedics as they push me away from the scene.
Bey: he's my fucking husband!!
Paramedic: Beyoncé I'm going to need you to calm down. Just please give us some space ok?
He then turns away and all of a sudden, Tyga pops up out of no where, out of breath. He rushes and gives me a hug. He's a true brother to Chris. I cry in his arms as he hugs me.
Tyga: it'll be alright baby. They gon fix him.
Tyga: Bey. Sorry, my mind is a little scrambled at the moment.
Weird. He ain't ever called me "baby" before but I guess our minds are a little all over the place.
Paramedic 2: we got his heart pumping, but it might not last long we have to go!
Bey: Tyga, imma go with him. Can you please just update Chris family?
Tyga:ofc, take care of my brother please.
I follow him on the stretcher and we get into the truck. They close the doors and speed off. I hold his hand and kiss it.
Bey: I love you baby. You gon be alright.
Paramedic 3: I have a theory, he didn't just get unconcious from his injuries. I think, there's something in his body that happened before he was hit.
Bey: you mean like, drugs?
Paramedic 3: I mean see his eyes, his skin is a little paler than usual. Something isn't sitting right with me but we'll have the nurses and doctors take care of him.
I'm perplexed cause I know he may do a join or two but not cocaine or pills. I close my eyes and pray for my man. His pulse is really low and I really can't bare to wipe the tears outta my eyes. After 10 minutes, just as we pull up, he flatlines again. Damnt! The paramedics pulls the stretcher out and rush him in but the nurses and security force me to stay in the waiting room as they work on him. I give up fighting at this point and sit down with sunglasses and luckily, no one has paid attention. I look at my phone and see nearly 300 missed calls. I call his mom and my parents to tell them what happened. They say they are getting on my private jet to come here. I pace around the waiting room feeling sick to my stomach. It's been 30 minutes already! To pass time, I try and find a distraction in my purse when I see a pregnancy test pop out. I reminisce on how many times Chris and I fucked and he busted in me. And I am currently late on my period. I take my purse and walk into the bathroom and take the test out. I pee on the test and wait 15 minutes. All of a sudden, it beeps and I look at the test and my heart nearly exploded.
I'm pregnant!

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